Fortnite now has apparently a new challenge release schedule, Epic ones on Tuesday and Legendary ones on Wednesday. And the Legendary ones are a lot more interesting than they used to be. One of them this week? You need to interact with a dead drop in Weeping Woods.
Here’s a map of where all the dead drop locations are in Weeping Woods, though you do only need one of these for this challenges, so there are plenty to choose from.

To recap, we have:
- A dead drop in the very north across the river.
- A dead drop north east of the bridge over the river.
- A dead drop drop south west of that same bridge,
- A dead drop in the north bend of the river.
- A dead drop south of that in another bend of the river.
- A dead drop in the clearing by the buildings toward the south east.
You will recognize them as they are blue glowing stumps that have little wheels on them you can turn. Once you do that, you will discover a top secret folder inside and you will get a message about IO from Dr. Slone. These appear to be part of an ongoing quest to uncover some sort of IO-based conspiracy. Another quest this week is to interact with body scanners at IO bases, so I wonder if we’re trying to infiltrate them.

At least in this case, these legendary challenges certainly are not any harder than normal Epic challenges, given that you only need to find one dead drop in this case, and use one body scanner. I suppose they may get harder in time, and some of the other ones may be, but these certainly are not.
I do like the idea of having two different days of challenges and having Legendary challenges be more diverse this time around, as they were plain and boring last season. Hoping this trend continues and this will be an interesting way to build on the story, which it definitely seems to be, judging by the last two week.
If this schedule stands, that means we may not see anything tomorrow on Thursday, previously a traditional quest day, though I would keep an eye out all the same. We’ve had some variance when the season starts before, but this seems like it may be a permanent thing going forward.
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