Three letters down, one to go in Fortnite’s latest scavenger hunt challenge which has players spelling out the word NOMS, a modification on the FORTNITE letter challenge from uh, season 3? I don’t remember but it’s been a while.
For the third letter, Fortnite players are being asked to find the “N” under a frozen lake. The frozen lake is a new addition to the map for season 7, as the arrival of the ice castle and Ice King has caused a quarter of the map to be buried in snow (and briefly, the whole map, on Christmas), and that has come with….a few casualties.
Go here to see where to set off fireworks on the map. Go here to see all of week 4’s challenges.
The frozen lake didn’t used to be a lake at all, but was Greasy Grove, now buried in about 12 feet of solid ice. It was a popular landing spot for a while, but the Fortnite map is always changing, and Greasy now joins Anarchy Acres, Moisty Mire and Risky Reels as dead locations. Maybe it will unfreeze someday, but not any time soon, it would seem.
But what’s interesting about Greasy freezing is that most of the town is still there…just under the ice. While the surface of the pond is slippery, you can reach the roofs of a lot of old buildings and hack your way inside to the old stores, and see frozen stuff in the ice outside the windows and doors. And that’s where you’re going to find the letter N you’re looking for.
Here’s where the lake is in relation to the rest of the winter wonderland. As you can see, it’s just north of Polar Peak, and easy enough to land directly on the building you’re going to want to explore.
The letter is inside the main building in the very middle of the lake, and it’s leaning against the wall in the corner by the cash register:
Here’s the exact location of where that is on the map:
After finding the N? Congratulations, you have spelled NOMS. I have made up guides for each of the letters and you can check those out below. If the links don’t work yet they will soon once I’m done with all of them:
- Here’s where to search the letter “O” west of Pleasant Park (Stage 1)
- Here’s where to search the letter “S” in Wailing Woods (Stage 2).
- Here’s where to search the letter “M” in Dusty Divot (Stage 3).
- Here’s where to visit the NOMS sign in Retail Row (Final Stage).
Here;s how to solve the Fortnite season 7 week 4 challenge, Where To Search The Letter ‘S’ In Wailing Woods.
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