Former West Dunbartonshire Council leader Ronnie McColl is to stand for election this May - 10 years after losing his seat.
SNP member Ronnie, father of current council leader Jonathan McColl, served on West Dunbartonshire Council for 13 years until losing his seat in the 2012 election.
After a decade away from frontline politics the former depute provost said he believes now is the right time to target a return to serving on the local authority.
Ronnie said: “I have lived and worked in the Vale almost all my life, and I care passionately about the area and the communities within it.
“I served as a councillor for 13 years in the 1990s and 2000s and filled various roles within the council, including social work and housing convener and council leader, as well as twice being Scottish spokesperson for social work.
“I feel now is the time to get back involved and serve my community once again. I have a proven track record of working well with colleagues of different political persuasions, as we must do to improve life for those we represent.”
He will be joined in standing in the Leven ward by current councillor Ian Dickson, with council leader Jonathan McColl once again standing in Lomond.

Councillor McColl said: “I gave a commitment in 2017 that I would seek nomination to the health board with a view to putting the Vale of Leven Hospital front and centre, so I am incredibly proud that my service on NHSGGC Health Board over the past five years has seen the future of the Vale of Leven Hospital secured, with new services brought to the hospital and a public commitment from the First Minister to invest in the fabric of the building to bring it up to the modern standard our citizens need.
“No longer is our hospital an afterthought; the Vale of Leven Hospital now sits at the heart of the health board’s plans for delivering services to the people of Alexandria, Dumbarton and beyond.”

And Councillor Dickson added: “I have enjoyed representing the ward I live and grew up in these past five years and as part of the SNP administration, I have achieved a lot for my constituents, including delivering a new Renton school campus, getting approval for net-zero and passive build council houses in Pappert, and of course being able to deliver an unprecedented four years of no-cuts council budgets.”
Already announced as standing in the Leven ward are Labour’s John Millar and former education convenor Michelle McGinty, as well as Community Party stalwart Jim Bollan. Alba councillor Caroline McAllister announced earlier this year that she will not be seeking re-election.
In Lomond, Conservative Sally Page is joined in standing by Labour duo Martin Rooney and Hazel Sorrell and Drew MacEoghainn of the Community Party.
Voters will go to the polls on Thursday, May 5.