As Ukraine seeks entry into NATO, a former top Trump official cautioned against the move, citing risks of escalating tensions with Russia. Robert O’Brien, former national security adviser, emphasized that granting NATO membership to a country in conflict with Russia could provoke further hostilities, potentially leading to a nuclear confrontation.
O’Brien proposed alternative measures such as providing security guarantees to Ukraine and imposing stricter sanctions on Russia to de-escalate the situation. He highlighted the importance of diplomatic negotiations and comprehensive sanctions to pressure Russia into seeking peace.
Regarding the Middle East, O’Brien criticized President Biden for what he perceived as weak actions towards Israel and Hamas. He suggested that Biden's approach may have weakened Israel's position in the region, potentially impacting its relations with neighboring countries.

Despite concerns over Israel's standing, O’Brien expressed confidence in the durability of the Abraham Accords brokered under the Trump administration. He predicted that Saudi Arabia might eventually join the accords, pending certain political considerations.
Shifting focus to Iran, O’Brien downplayed the country's military capabilities, asserting that Iran posed a lesser threat compared to China. He emphasized China's economic and military strength as a significant challenge to the United States, highlighting the need to address China's growing influence.
In conclusion, O’Brien’s insights shed light on potential approaches to global crises under a future Trump administration, emphasizing the importance of strategic diplomacy and targeted sanctions in addressing complex geopolitical challenges.