Former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad recently released a statement on Telegram, portraying himself as a dedicated custodian of Syria who fought against what he described as a terrorist onslaught before being forced to flee to Russia. Assad, known for his brutal tactics during the civil war, expressed hope for Syria's freedom and independence.
After nearly 14 years of conflict, human rights abuses, and harsh living conditions for Syrians, Assad was ousted on Dec. 8 following an offensive led by Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham that took over Damascus. Assad countered what he called misinformation and narratives distorting the truth about the conflict.
Assad revealed that he remained in Damascus until Dec. 8, when he moved to Lattakia to oversee combat operations in coordination with Russian allies. He later evacuated to Russia from the Hmeimim Air Base as opposition forces targeted the area.

Despite facing rebel forces and intense battles, Assad claimed he stood alongside army officers and soldiers on the front lines, refusing to compromise Syria's salvation for personal gain. He defended his actions as being in the best interest of the Syrian people.
Throughout the years of conflict, reports have documented human rights abuses, torture, detentions, and executions under Assad's regime. However, Assad maintained that he considered himself a custodian of a national project supported by the Syrian people's faith in its vision.
Assad emphasized his unwavering conviction in the Syrian people's ability to protect the state and uphold their choices. His departure to Russia marks a significant development in the ongoing conflict in Syria, leaving behind a nation grappling with the aftermath of years of turmoil and suffering.