A former professional footballer has now delivered a talk about the dangers of drug use to every pupil at an Airdrie high school.
Ex-Motherwell FC player, Colin McNair, was joined by Hamilton Accies director Colin McGowan, in dellivering the talk to the last class of second year pupils at St Margaret's High last week.
He has been visiting the school since last August speaking to different year groups each time about the dangers of addiction, speaking in depth about his own lived experience and how taking drugs led to him being on the streets of Glasgow.
The kids also heard how, at the height of his playing career, McNair lost everything after indulging in drug use and hitting rock bottom but how he then successfully came through recovery to a transfixed audience.
McNair told youngsters: "I was taking drugs every day of the week.

"I was feigning injury so I didn’t have to play football, until it all fell apart and I lost everything.
“I owed dealers money left, right and centre, and turned to crime to pay for my habit - I eventually ended up in jail.”
He then delivered statistics revealing the devastation drugs are causing in communities, at one point asking the pupils for a show of hands of how many of them knew someone in the grasp of addiction.

He told the crowd: "It's been a pleasure coming to the school, sharing my experience and my story and I know it's hard-hitting, but it has to be.
"It's real, it's life and at the end of the day you could lose your life through drugs and how do you avoid it - don't mess around with drugs!"
Colin then went on to thank Accies director Colin McGowan for his help and support in setting up the drugs talk initiative in schools across Lanarkshire.

Pupils then went on to present McNair with a cheque for £1000 to Blameless Charity, based at Hamilton Accies stadium, who support families and children affected by addiction - a charity that is very close to the ex-footballer's heart.
Colin McGowan then presented his colleague and friend McNair with a special recognition 'Community Hero' award, courtesy of Hamilton Accies Football Club and the Club's Community Trust, for his work in delivering such an important and educational talk to youths over the last four years.

McGowan said: "This is the first award of its kind that we have ever given out and it is thoroughly deserved for Colin.
"I was delighted to be able to give him it in recognition of his recovery and amazing work with the children across the county that he speaks too."
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