Former FBI informant charged with lying about the Biden family's dealings in Ukraine has been released from jail pending trial. The informant claimed that Russian intelligence officials provided him with false information about Hunter Biden. The informant, Alexander Smirnoff, was seen leaving court in Las Vegas covered with a hood, hat, and mask.
A new Justice Department filing revealed that Smirnoff had extensive recent contacts with foreign intelligence officials. This information was crucial in launching the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, based on false claims. Prosecutors stated that Smirnoff has been actively spreading new lies that could impact U.S. elections.
The filing aimed to keep Smirnoff in jail, but the judge ordered his release under certain conditions. While Smirnoff alleged that some information about Hunter Biden came from Russian intelligence, prosecutors lack independent verification of his claims. They emphasized the significant impact of Smirnoff's lies on U.S. politics, targeting a major political party's nominee.
Concerns were raised about Smirnoff's potential flight risk due to his access to millions of dollars, foreign contacts, and history of lying. Despite being subject to GPS monitoring and surrendering his passports, prosecutors highlighted his Israeli citizenship and the possibility of obtaining a new passport from the embassy.
The Justice Department expressed real concerns about Smirnoff's ties to foreign intelligence services, including recent contacts with Russian agencies. The judge dismissed some concerns as speculative, allowing Smirnoff's release under strict conditions.