Crystal Mangum, the woman who accused three Duke men’s lacrosse players of rape in 2006, has recently come forward to admit that she lied about the encounter. In a recent interview on the web show “Let’s Talk with Kat,” Mangum confessed to testifying falsely against the players, stating that she wanted validation from people rather than from God.
Mangum, who is currently serving time for a second-degree murder conviction, expressed regret for betraying the trust of those who believed in her and hopes for forgiveness from the three men she falsely accused.
The allegations made by Mangum in 2006 led to the arrest of the players and garnered widespread media attention. The charges were eventually dropped, and the then-Attorney General Roy Cooper exonerated the men, stating that the charges should never have been brought against them.
Following the exoneration, Duke University and the three players reached an undisclosed settlement. Additionally, the city of Durham settled a lawsuit with the men in 2014, agreeing to pay $50,000 to the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission.
The case had significant repercussions, including the cancellation of the lacrosse team’s 2006 season and the dismissal of the team’s coach. The district attorney involved in the case was convicted of criminal contempt and disbarred.
Despite Mangum’s admission of lying about the rape allegations, Duke Athletics and the university have not provided any comments on the matter. The three players involved have also not issued any statements regarding Mangum’s recent confession.