A former babysitter has been charged with child abuse offences nearly half a century after his alleged predatory crimes.
On Tuesday, ACT Policing announced the territory's Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Team had arrested the 74-year-old.
He is set to face the ACT Magistrates Court in September for five counts of committing an act of indecency in the late 1970s, when it is said he regularly babysat the primary school-aged girl.
The case came to light when the alleged victim made an online report to police in November last year.
As well as alleged indecent assaults, the man is accused of taking the child to nudist gatherings at a Canberra pool and bathing with her at his home.
Detective Inspector Stephanie Leonard has reminded the public there is no time limit on reporting these types of allegations.
"We would like to assure all victims that we have specially trained and dedicated investigators ready to hear your matter," she said.

"You can report online at any time, attend a police station or call 131 444 and we will support you through the process. We will also put you in touch with dedicated victim support services.
"I urge anyone who has been the victim of sexual assault to contact police as soon as possible so they can understand their options."
Anyone who has any information in relation to this matter should Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or via the Crime Stoppers ACT website. Please quote 7631589. Information can be provided anonymously.
- Support is available for those who may be distressed. Phone Lifeline 13 11 14; Kids Helpline 1800 551 800; Bravehearts 1800 272 831; Blue Knot Foundation 1300 657 380.