Snake oil salesman of the concert industry Billy McFarland is back with a new and allegedly improved festival, if you’re in the mood to be degraded and scammed. That’s right, Fyre Fest II is happening and for just $778 (USD$499), you too can risk suffering extreme dehydration and financial ruin. Lucky you!
ICYMI, the infamous Fyre Festival founder/fraudster — who pleaded guilty to fraud charges and spent a little less than four years in prison for his last shitshow of a music festival — was released from jail last November.
It looks like he’s wasted no time in trying to recover from probably one of the biggest fuck-ups in modern history, because he’s announced a Fyre Fest II, set in the Caribbean in December, 2024.
Why he’d want to keep the name that now has become a short-hand term for “unmitigated disaster”, I’ll never know.
MacFarland took to TikTok to market the festival, which he said — while wearing a white bathrobe and a straight face — was spawned from a 7-month stint in solitary confinement. Ah, yes, where the best ideas are born. How could we possibly doubt you, king!
The first 100 presale tickets for Fyre Fest II have already gone on sale, for the modest starting price of just $778 (USD$499). Each release will get progressively more expensive, with the final tier of tickets expected to cost $12,427 (USD$7,999).
What do these tickets cover, you wonder?
One ticket to Fyre Festival II will get you a VIP Pass to Fyre lead-up events and Fyre pop-ups (which are yet to be announced, so you literally do not know what the events are or if they even exist), and access to “Fyre Crew”, which remains a vague term that apparently includes “VIP Access to Fyre Experiences, including Fyre Fights, Documentary and Film Screenings, Weekend Trips, and more” as well as access to an “online community with Billy and Team.”
A disclaimer on the website claims “pre-events and pop-ups to be announced, but Fyre will host a minimum of 4 events prior to FFII”.
Yeah, not reassuring.
At the time of publication, these tickets are yet to sell out. Shocker.
Image: Netflix, Getty Images / Patrick McMullan
The post For Just $778, You Too Can Risk Suffering Extreme Dehydration & Financial Ruin At Fyre Fest II appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .