Council chiefs have rubber-stamped a bid to ban matchday parking around Rugby Park.
East Ayrshire Council’s cabinet agreed on new arrangements that will see leaving cars in the streets surrounding Kilmarnock’s stadium deemed illegal between 11am and 5pm on matchdays, with midweek games also coming into the new ruling.
It means anyone parking in the nearby streets when Killie are playing will be breaking a traffic regulation order when it’s implemented.
We reported in October that council bosses want to eradicate “indiscriminate or obstructive” parking on streets surrounding the home of Kilmarnock FC following concerns raised by locals.
These new measures means that local residents won’t be able to park their cars around the stadium during the allocated times.

A council spokesperson said: “Short-term match day parking restrictions are currently in place in the streets surrounding Rugby Park for road safety reasons and to ensure emergency routes remain free from parked vehicles.
“This is done through the use of yellow no waiting cones being placed on the carriageway.
“Complaints from residents have increased in recent years however due to an increase in indiscriminate parking in certain areas which cannot be addressed using the existing measures.
“Other issues involve the fact that cones can be very easily displaced and Kilmarnock FC has also indicated that it has limited staff resources for placing cones out on match days and would like to explore alternatives.
“A consultation with residents was carried out in October 2021 which offered them the chance to consider proposals based around the introduction of permanent waiting restrictions at various junctions and also the introduction of part time waiting restrictions which would apply to certain lengths of road during specific times on match days.
“Due to the overwhelming support for part time restrictions during a specified time period on match days, it has been agreed that part time waiting/loading restrictions will only apply on match days between the hours of 11am and 5pm.
“The statutory process for implementing a new traffic regulation order will now get underway to manage the road safety implications of match day parking at Rugby Park.
“Occasional midweek fixtures with kick off times outwith these times can be accommodated by the inclusion of additional articles within the order.”
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