- During my childhood, whether it be cycling around the block or playing at the park, my friends and I always had those sweet candy cigarettes poking out of our mouths. Oh, how we loved them! We didn’t even realize when they just disappeared from our lives, but they did make a comeback and boy was it epic!
Even these netizens are still yearning for their beloved food items from the '90s and 2000s that were canceled or discontinued. While a few did hit the markets again, some disappeared forever, and they are still missed and mourned. Just scroll down to check them out!
#1 Choco Taco

Image credits: tbiley
#2 Altoid Tangerine Sours

Image credits: weallliveinyellowsub
#3 Lime-Flavored Skittles

Image credits: andoolum
As you go through the list, we are pretty sure you are gonna be hit with nostalgia as thinking about the taste of these snacks might bring back fond memories. You might not even be aware that some of these just disappeared from the market shelves one day. Now, coming to the burning question, if these food items were so well-loved and popular, why were they discontinued or canceled?
Well, there are numerous reasons for the downfall of these scrumptious bits of ambrosia that brought you happiness once upon a time. While the quality of a few degraded, others didn't really perform well with all the consumers. That's one downside to any product really because every human has a different taste so not everyone will like the same flavor!
#4 Reese's Peanut Butter And Banana Cups

Image credits: Senomaphoenix
#5 Hershey's Kissables

Image credits: testuser1500
#6 Skittles Bubble Gum

Image credits: Usual_Yellow
Just look at the Choco Taco, which was quite revolutionary when it came out because people could enjoy the ice cream and nuts till the last bite, unlike a traditional ice cream with a cone. Sadly for all the lovers of this quirky ice cream, its company, Klondike, experienced a surge in the demand for other products, and to focus on them, they had to say goodbye to Choco Taco.
Hershey's Kissables had another tale to tell for its disappearance. The brightly-colored mini-kisses entered the markets in 2005 and were an instant hit. However, a cost-cutting regulation in 2007 made Hershey replace the more expensive cocoa butter with cheaper fats. Well, all its admirers instantly noticed the change in taste, and that's how it came to its sad end.
#7 Pizzarias

Image credits: MGBurritoKid
#8 Kudos

Image credits: sandisasoil
#9 Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper

Image credits: anonymous
The story of Hershey's Swoops is quite an interesting one as it was an innovative concept where chocolate came in the shape of a Pringles chip. However, this very shape doomed the product because people expected more than just flavored chocolate. The lack of a middle layer, extravagant packaging to ensure it stayed in shape, and an unhealthy amount of fat saw the product vanish in 2006.
Reese's bites were a perfect ball of joy and quite innocent-looking, but these delicious devils turned out to be a choking hazard and got banned in 2004. Fruitopia, on the other hand, had a rocky age as it kept rising and falling, but in the end, it was bad marketing that saw its downfall.
#10 Butterfinger Bb's

Image credits: donscron91
#11 Spearmint Tic Tac

Image credits: Ann Duaman
#12 Oreo Cakesters

Image credits: anonymous
However, do you know what's the best part about it? Some of these much-adored food items made a comeback throughout the years, but not all of them sustained. Some had their glory days and waved goodbye again, but there are a few that you can still purchase.
Some of them like Altoid Sours, Oreo Cakesters, Waffle Crisp, or Creme Savers are still available in the markets if you go looking for them. Sadly, some didn't really survive the comeback like Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper or Pepsi Blue, which disappeared pretty quickly from the stores.
#13 Doritos 3rd Degree Burn

Image credits: reclusebite
#14 Philadelphia Cheesecake Bars

Image credits: BakerInAdaze
#15 Yogos

Image credits: 676339784
Well, folks, that's it from our end of this sad list that will only make you yearn for it more. Don't forget to upvote the ones that you truly loved and miss the most. Also, if you know about any other such "extinct" food items that we might have missed, feel free to share them in the comments below!
#16 Ice Breakers Liquid Ice

Image credits: xoxozaphod
#17 Creme Savers

Image credits: NCLadyAD
#18 Slice

Image credits: CataloguerS
#19 Waffle Crisp

Image credits: nyx_07
#20 Reese's Bites

Image credits: That Vintage Touch and Other Stuff
#21 P.b. Crisps

Image credits: ElizabethMoon1992
#22 Reese's Swoops

Image credits: Falconheavy14
#23 Cheetos Twisted Puffs

Image credits: HamWallet69
#24 The Wonder Ball

Image credits: salami_breath
#25 Whozeewhatzit, Whatchamacallit, Thingsmajig

Image credits: Owls_yawn
#26 Ritz Bits S'mores

Image credits: ILovePublicLibraries
#27 Kellogg's Cereal Straws

Image credits: anonymous
#28 Nestle Nesquik Chocolate Cereal

Image credits: junkfoodonthego
#29 Fruit String Thing

Image credits: consumertc
#30 Pillsbury Waffle Sticks

Image credits: Jackkandi456
#31 Fruitopia

Image credits: abc123therobot
#32 Sweet Escapes

Image credits: FM1156
#33 Milkshake

Image credits: Longjumping_Prune852
#34 Pepsi Blue

Image credits: Industrial Industries World Radio
#35 Pop-Tarts Go-Tarts

Image credits: Doc_Brown
#36 Ooze Tube

Image credits: The_Thundertaker
#37 Oreo O's

Image credits: Frenchiefreak
#38 Sprite Remix

Image credits: halfspeedhalfsim
#39 Twizzlers Sourz

Image credits: LittleEmmanuel
#40 Squeezits

Image credits: General Mills
#41 Snik Snaks

Image credits: Snack_Memories
#42 Reggie!

Image credits: SlyMarboJr
#43 Lollipop Paint Shop

Image credits: astrodomekid