Flamingo Land has been urged to “cut their losses and walk away” as the 40,000th public objection to their latest application for a £40million tourist resort at Balloch was lodged.
The company’s first attempt ended in plans being withdrawn in 2019 after nearly 60,000 objections were lodged.
The application is currently on hold while the developers address a long list of serious flaws raised by a legal expert commissioned by the Green MSP and by the National Park’s own planning department.
Objections can still be lodged during this period of delay, and many have submitted via a portal set up by Ross Greer, who has continuously criticised the plans.

Mr Greer said: “Not content with having a record number of objections against their previous plans, Flamingo Land have now also submitted the second most unpopular planning applications in Scottish history.
“Their proposal for a massive tourist development is simply incompatible with such an iconic location on the shores of Loch Lomond.
“It will destroy ancient woodland and create congestion chaos for local residents.
“New objections are being lodged every few minutes, and I’d encourage those who haven’t done so already to submit theirs via www.greens.scot/FlamingoLand.”
Jim Paterson, development director for Lomond Banks, said: “We are continuing to move forward though this legitimate planning process and will not indulge Mr Greer’s continual attempts at clickbait politics aimed to encourage nothing but fear.
“We are steadfast in our plans for Lomond Banks which have been shaped around community and stakeholder feedback and we truly believe we can deliver something from which Balloch, and the wider area can greatly benefit.
“Of course, it is not for Ross Greer to decide on the merits of this planning application, this decision continues to sit with the planning authority and the statutory consultees.”