In this day and age, many people use their cards when paying for items in store whether its their weekly shopping or eating out.
And as well as our bank cards, we also have our handy phones which can store multiple forms of payments meaning change is never really necessary.
But whilst using cash may be seen as a 'thing of the past', there are times that you'll want to avoid giving it away because that two pence in your pocket may be worth more than you think.
As reported by WalesOnline, some coins are highly sought after for a number of reasons with one being minting errors.
Ocean Finance has scouted around to find the rarest coins floating around the UK and their estimated value.
But what coins should you be looking out for and what should you do?
How do minting mistakes happen?
Firstly you may be wondering how do these mistakes occur?
The Royal Mint manufactures millions of coins each day therefore despite their strict quality measures in place, it's only natural that an error or two will be made.
However it's important to recognise the difference between an imperfection on a coin, such as where the design isn’t as clearly stamped on the coin as you’d expect, and an error like an incorrect date or the wrong metal being used.
What should you do if you think you have a rare coin?
If you think one of your coins is rare and worth more than face value, first check online to see if its what you think it is - and how much they're selling for.
The Royal Mint website has information about all the coins they’ve ever produced, whether they were intended for circulation or not, that can help you track down your design. They also offer an authentication service, so you can be sure your coin is genuine.
Then, the Change Checker scarcity index can help you find out if your coin features a rare, collectible design. The higher up a coin ranks on the scarcity index, the harder it is to come by, and the more likely it is that a collector would pay good money for it.
You can check the value by looking at how much other coins like yours have sold online on, for example, eBay. Alternatively, you can take your coin to a coin dealer and ask them to value it for you. Once you know what it’s worth, you can decide what to do with it.
2p coin - £1,700
The reason these rare coins could be worth near two thousand pounds is down to an error when they were minted in 1983.
This coin, as you can see, feature 'new pence" when it should have actually said "two pence."
"New pence" is old wording that featured on two pence coins between 1971 and 1982 to help people adjust to decimalisation after it came into effect.
But rather than change the wording, someone accidentally kept on using the old format.
£2 coin - £1,000
For a bit of background, £2 coins are made up of two kinds of metal – the silver cupro-nickel disc in the centre and the surrounding nickel-brass ring on the outside.
But back in 2017, a keen-eyed collector spotted that the £2 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants coin was made entirely of nickel-brass which meaning there was an error made.
A staggering 10,270,000 of this coin were released into circulation however only a few were made of nickel-brass – which experts believe make the coin worth more than £1,000.
Kew Gardens - £230
This coin features the iconic Chinese Pagoda with the Kew Gardens 50p said to be a 'must-have' for collectors.
One sold for £230 on eBay in 2020 - a whopping 460 times more than its face value.
The Olympic collection - £100
To celebrate London hosting the 2012 Olympics, a series of 50p sporting themed coins were released into circulation by the Royal Mint.
A total of 29 coins were made which each of them set to be worth as much as £91 according to Coin Hunter.
So if you have any of them, it's worth checking what they could be worth.
Right now the football coin, of which 1,125,500 were minted, is now worth an estimated £15.
The judo coin is worth £9.93 with 1,161,500 released into circulation.
The triathlon coin, seen in the picture, is worth £11 with 1,163,500 minted.
And for wrestling fans, an estimated 1,129,500 were made and is worth £7.57 – 15 times their face value.
Do you have any of these coins?