Five Newcastle playground upgrades and the start of an overhaul to Foreshore Park will take place next financial year.
Waratah Park, Harold Myers Park at Birmingham Gardens, Vera Wilson Park at Beresfield, Highland County at Fletcher and Avon Street Reserve at Mayfield are all included in council's 2022/23 playground renewal program.
The playground at Beresfield Pool will too be replaced and the budget also includes the first stage of a major upgrade to Foreshore Park, including an all-abilities playground and water park.
Newcastle's Labor councillors will introduce a notice of motion about the upcoming playground upgrades to Tuesday's council meeting.
The party pledged $5.6 million at December's council election to deliver 12 new playgrounds in this term, including Gregson Park at Hamilton and Adamstown No.2 Oval.
There were five submissions to the recent public exhibition of the next budget about parks and playgrounds, with calls for upgrades to Webb Park at Mayfield, irrigation to Stevenson Park at Mayfield, more outdoor exercise stations in the city as well as more play equipment.
The council on Sunday celebrated the official opening of upgraded playgrounds at Minmi Reserve and McCauley Park, Tarro. The Minmi playground received new features including a balancing trail, swings and sensory bridge, while new equipment at McCauley Park includes swings, slides, and climbing components. Kotara Park and Bernborough Avenue, Maryland were also upgraded through the 2021/22 renewal program.