A Northern Irish woman has said her "world fell apart" after being diagnosed with breast cancer aged just 27.
Alex Quinn, a newly qualified mental health nurse from Belfast, was fit and healthy and had just been married for a year when she received her diagnosis in May 2019.
At the time, she was training for Everest basecamp and had the trek booked for that November with her husband.
READ MORE: Sligo woman diagnosed with incurable cancer after thinking she had exercise-related back injury
Speaking about the discovery of her early symptoms, Alex said she first noticed something was wrong when she found a bloodstain in her sports bra, reports Belfast Live.
She said: "After some hoking and poking, I watched a dark red blood trail ooze from my left nipple. I contacted the doctors immediately and was brought in for an examination. No bleeding occurred with the GP, but she sent me to breast clinic with a red flag appointment just in case."
Alex added: "I knew from the minute I saw the bleeding that I had cancer. I was seen in the breast clinic two weeks after my GP appointment. Initially, the breast consultant told me he thought it was just an infection and sent me for an ultrasound, just as a precaution.
"I then had a mammogram and biopsies taken and was asked to wait an hour for my results. I was told that afternoon that I had breast cancer and would require a mastectomy. My world fell apart."
After her diagnosis, Alex received six rounds of chemotherapy.
She said: "I lost all my hair, lashes and brows and became unrecognizable. There was no time to preserve my eggs, so I had to also accept that it was now highly unlikely I would ever be a mother.
"I did not have a significant response to chemo, and my tumour was the size of a lime when it was removed. Following my mastectomy, my central node biopsy results showed that nearby lymph nodes were also cancerous. I then had to undergo full auxiliary lymph node clearance."
Alex proceeded to have fifteen rounds of radiotherapy after the lymph node clearance.

She added: "Mentally, it was the worst part of my treatment journey. My mood plummeted. I was started on anti-depressants and went through a dark period of my life. Once the active treatment was finished, I commenced hormone therapy to start a medically induced menopause, something I found extremely challenging to accept. I remain on this treatment regime at present.
"My main source of therapy and healing was writing, so I wrote and self-published a book last year where I share my journey with breast cancer. I also love hiking, and I previously set myself a challenge to climb the seven peaks individually during chemo - the challenge was like an escape from my dark reality. The mountains became my happy place. I found peace amongst the fear."
Local leading cancer charity, Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, is encouraging people to conquer the Mourne Seven Summits on June 18 to raise money for local people affected by cancer.
The mega-mountain challenge will climb all seven peaks that are at least 700m above sea level, cover approximately 30km and will take between 8-12 hours to complete.
Alex added: "When I found out Cancer Focus NI held this event, I was keen to sign myself up. Raising money doing something I love for a cause that I am naturally passionate about were reasons enough to register.
"This will not be an easy event for me. I do worry I may not complete the entire seven summits in the time allowed due to extreme pains in my joints, breathlessness and severe fatigue after my treatment. But I am really going to try and complete this for me and my fellow cancer community. My friend and work chum have signed up the event for moral support as well. I have started training by completing one, two and then three peaks and timing myself. Fingers crossed, I make it to the finish line!"
The Cancer Focus NI Mourne Seven Summits challenge will take place on Saturday, June 18, in the Mourne Mountains, Newcastle.
If you would like to take part in it to raise money to support local people living with cancer and to challenge yourself, register today at cancerfocusni.org/sevensummits .
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