Fishponds residents are being asked what facilities they would like to see in the redeveloped Vassall Centre.
Bristol Charities purchased the Vassall Centre in Fishponds last year and has been working with Bristol architects AWW to develop ideas to deliver affordable, high-quality homes for the elderly and families, along with accessible, contemporary workspace for businesses and charities and a range of new community facilities.
The new owner's aim is to create a "balanced new neighbourhood centre for multigenerational living and working".
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Having completed an initial round of consultation, Bristol Charities is now looking for ideas for the publicly accessible parts of the project which include the potential community uses and activities that could be in the new building, as well as how to make these as welcoming as possible.
The charity said: "Suggestions so far include a café, nursery, spaces for meetings and events, a small library and outside space to meet and relax.
"The project team is also looking for ideas to commemorate and celebrate the centre's historic role and legacy within the designs, such as an exhibition or art installation.

"Starting life as a hospital facility for American soldiers in 1945, the Vassall Centre later became a medical limb replacement facility and currently offers affordable, accessible workspace and conference facilities for businesses, charities and not-for-profit organisations."
Bristol Charities said it also committed to increasing biodiversity, with new trees, planting and space for wildlife, and is appointing a landscape ecologist to help with this aspect of the proposals.
Anne Anketell, chief executive officer at Bristol Charities said: "We are really interested in finding out what community facilities would work for local people and ensure the new neighbourhood centre benefits residents in Fishponds, so we'd urge people to take part in our survey, which will only take a few minutes to complete.
"The existing buildings are now more than 75 years old, offer very low levels of energy efficiency and sustainability and have reached the end of their practical lifespan.
"Upgrading them would be prohibitively costly and would not enable much-needed new homes for older people and families to be created in the area.
"The views of local people are very important to us. We have listened carefully to the concerns of adjacent neighbours and are taking their issues into account as we further develop our proposals.
"People will get another opportunity to see the revised plans and comment on them in the next round of consultation in the next few weeks before we submit a planning application."
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