A new affordable housing development could be built in Edinburgh that would offer 236 homes.
Along with with 75 per cent of the homes proposed to be affordable properties, there are also plans to create a park, small retail development and new transport links to Musselburgh train station.
Leading affordable housing specialists Cullross Ltd has submitted detailed planning for its Newcraighall East development and would offer 236 properties. The site is located east of Glennie Road, Newcraighall, Musselburgh.
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Proposals form part of a £60m investment by Cullross with 236 properties and offer a mix of one, two, and three bed flats, garden flats, duplex flats, and townhouses. 75 per cent of the fully tenure blind development will be affordable properties, which will be managed by Hillcrest.
If it goes ahead, it will form part of the local development plan and has an existing planning approval in principle.
The detailed planning application has been submitted to Edinburgh council following the completion of the pre-application notice consultation period, which commenced in December 2022. Following feedback from the community, a new site access has been proposed off Newcraighall Road to link in with the signalised junction being formed for the adjacent New Brunstane development.

As part of the development, a new linear park will be formed. This will provide extensive amenity for both the existing and new residents, along with any visitors to the area. There will also be a new active travel route formed to Musselburgh Train Station creating excellent links and access to the city centre, allowing residents to get to the city centre in 15 minutes.
Allotments are included to the north of the linear park along with a small retail development, which has been included within the proposals to meet the local needs, and as part of the 20-minute neighbourhood offer.
Mark Beaton, Director of Cullross Ltd, said: "We are thrilled to submit our detailed planning application for this much-anticipated development in Newcraighall.
“There has been significant community interest in the proposals at our community events and having reviewed all the feedback that was received we have incorporated suggestions and ideas where possible.

“We are excited to be able to provide 75 per cent of the new homes as affordable, with the remaining properties being private. We believe both this mix of tenure and property types will provide a great enhancement to the existing Newcraighall community and provide an opportunity for many looking to move into the area or into larger or smaller properties.
"As a company, we place a premium on a strong relationship and collaboration with the community, and we hope that having listened to the feedback received at the two community events, the finalised proposals for the development will be well received.
“The entire project team has worked seamlessly to develop these exciting proposals and we look forward to engaging with CEC through the planning determination period to hopefully achieve a successful outcome."
Rod Duncan, Director of jmarchitects, said: “Working closely with Cullross on this project, jmarchitects have designed a masterplan that addresses several key design drivers. This is achieved through a placemaking framework where every space has a clear purpose and defined sense of ownership, creating a new neighbourhood woven into the local heritage and physical aspects of this site.
"Clear frontages create a secure and welcoming environment and the creation of a new linear Park enhances biodiversity and creates fantastic amenity for the new and existing residents.”
Fiona Morrison, Hillcrest’s deputy chief executive said: “Hillcrest is dedicated to delivering good quality affordable homes and we are delighted to be developing 177 new homes with Cullross in such a fantastic location.”
“Delivered with funding support from Scottish Government and City of Edinburgh Council, these mixed tenure, energy efficient homes will provide a great boost to Edinburgh’s affordable housing provision while giving tenants a home they can really be proud of.”
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