The first meeting of the Lexington City Council is in the books. It could be characterized as a “get to know you and the process” work session.
New members make up just over a third of the 15-member Urban County Council. Soon after Lexington Mayor Linda Gorton called the meeting to order, she asked that all members introduce themselves. Tayna Fogle many times previously addressed the Council during public comment. Now, she’s in a Council seat.
“Council Member Tayna Fogle. I am proud to represent the community of the First District. You will learn more as we go. …Thank you…How was that? That was perfect….That’s what I’m talking about,” said Fogle and Mayor Linda Gorton.
New Vice Mayor Dan Wu says Council retreat time the last few weeks provided time for members to get to know each other and figure out communication and work styles.
Wu said he is looking forward to working with Mayor Linda Gorton and looking forward to a collaborative relationship.
“Cause ultimately, the more unanimity that we have, the more collaborations we have between us, the betters it’s going to be for all of our processes, but also just building better policy, than if we had a kind of divided government where we’re always bickering,” said Wu.
A Council committee earlier in the afternoon heard a report about civic engagement. Wu noted he’s interested in increasing access to public input. The new vice mayor added it might come through comment sessions out in the 12 districts instead of just at City Hall plus maybe providing feedback online.