These are the first images of the proposed new £60 million joint Craigie High School and Braeview Academy community campus.
The exhibition is part of a pre-application consultation process by Dundee City Council which proposes to build the campus on a site at Drumgeith Road.
The school would accommodate a combined maximum roll of 1879 pupils on the 11.5 hectare site.
Designers at architects Holmes Miller say the East End Campus offers an “unparalleled opportunity to provide state of the art educational facilities within the Drumgeith area of Dundee, whilst also aligning community infrastructure, recreation, social and wellbeing functions.”
And they added: “Whilst the new campus will offer an optimum environment for learning and attainment, the design will recognise the history and achievements of the two schools, crafted in a manner that celebrates both the legacy of each institution and their collective future on the new site.”
The design team will attend the following times at each location:
Craigie High School Wednesday 23 rd between 3pm and 5pm
Douglas Community Centre: Wednesday 23 rd between 5:30pm and 7:30pm
North East Campus: Thursday 24 th between 3pm and 5pm
Finmill Centre: Thursday 24 th between 5:30 and 7:30pm
Access to an online exhibition is also available here.
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