The first councillors of the 2022 Perth and Kinross Council election have been announced.
Labour representative Alasdair Bailey and Conservative Angus Forbes have been re-elected for the Carse of Gowrie Ward.
SNP Ken Harvey has also been elected and replaces Beth Pover who stepped down after being elected in 2017 as SNP councillor for the Carse of Gowrie ward.
Bailey received 1264 votes, Forbes gained 1017 votes and new representative Harvey won 961 votes.
There was a 56.6 per cent turnout at the polls in the area.
A delighted Alasdair Bailey said: "I'm really happy that constituents in the Carse of Gowrie have put their confidence in me to represent them and help them get the best deal from the council.
"And I am looking forward to serving them."
Angus Forbes (Conservative) said: "I'm really pleased to be back. I have 120 items of casework to get on with and have already had constituents on the phone this morning. I'll be following these up on Monday."
Newcomer to local politics, engineer Ken Harvey was a little more taken aback as he adjusts to his new role.

He said: "I'm a bit surprised. It was still a surprise to see my name on the ballot paper yesterday.
"I'm really interested in parks and recreation, and health and social care and getting involved there."
Candidate John Kellas (SNP) received the fourth highest number of votes with 474, while Mac Roberts (Conservative) gained 388 votes.
Roger Humphry (Green) won 233 nods, Lindsay Easton (Liberal Democrats) won 150 votes and Don Marshall (Family Party) had 59 votes.