People are being urged to be careful of additional fire risks during Halloween celebrations. Fire chiefs are urging anyone using fireworks, sparklers or candles to follow its fire safety advice to keep themselves, their family and friends safe.
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service group commander Suzanne Fleming said that Halloween is a busy time of year for firefighters. “We are urging everyone not to put more pressure on our resources by starting fires deliberately and to act responsibly over the Halloween period,” she said.
“If you plan to use fireworks, sparklers or candles, please follow our fire safety advice to keep yourself, your family and friends safe. Please remember that fireworks are dangerous and can set fire to buildings and clothing. They can also cause serious injury, particularly to your hands and face. Only light fireworks outside in an open space and keep children well away from them.
“Sparklers can cause serious injury without proper supervision. Never give them to children under the age of five and always wear gloves when using them, preferably leather gloves.
“Fancy dress costumes can be highly flammable, and if you are making your own, don’t use flammable materials such as black plastic bags. It is important to make sure children are properly supervised at all times and kept away from fireworks or open flames. If a costume catches fire, remember stop, drop and roll to quickly put the flames out.”
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