Class is in session. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes brings the students of Garreg Mach back for another adventure, this time with a larger focus on the war between the three nations of Fodlan. With that comes a brand new set of character redesigns, giving everyone’s favorite Three Houses students a fresh new look.
Some of the new looks are absolutely swoon-worthy, while others left a lot to be desired. These are the five best and five worst glow-ups of Fire Emblem Three Hopes.
The best glow-ups
5. Constance

Constance’s new design is absolutely glorious, and about as regal as you can possibly get. The magnificent feather mane is absolutely what ties the whole thing together, and it’s a look that feels befitting of someone of “noble” status, as Constance so often likes to point out.
4. Claude

Claude has always been the most dapper man in Three Houses, and that’s doubly true in Three Hopes. The perfectly flowing hair, the gold and yellow outfit, the single earring. You just can’t help but love Claude.
3. Dimitri

Dimitri's redesign only stands out as one of the best because it’s the opposite of his greasy hasn’t bathed in five years look at the end of Three Houses. This time around he looks like a regal monarch, with much less of a penchant for bloodlust.
2. Hubert

Hubert’s time skip design fully leans into his emo look, and it’s phenomenal. You could easily picture Hubert on the cover of a My Chemical Romance album, and that’s the way it should be.
1. Hilda

Hilda’s always had a great sense of style, but her Three Hopes outfit is as fabulous as you can get. The pink and red design is super cute, and her new bun hairstyle perfectly matches it. Hilda is the true royalty of Three Hopes.
The Worst Glow-ups
5. Ashe

The biggest problem with Ashe’s new design is that it simply feels boring, it’s just student version of Ashe in some new clothes. This is especially true compared to his time skip design in Three Houses, where he sports a sleek new haircut with the perfect part.
4. Bernadetta

Bernadetta is an utterly charming character, and needless to say her new look absolutely fits her personality. However, I just can’t in good conscience say that top-knot is serving any looks.
3. Lorenz

Lorenz has some gorgeous armor in Three Hopes, but that hairstyle still isn’t doing him any favors. You can’t deny the rose-themed knight’s style, but just get rid of that hair.
2. Edelgard

Say what you want about Edelgard’s time skip design in Three Houses, but boy did it make an impression. The horns and massive cape radiated villainous energy, and her Three Hopes design simply doesn’t have that. Edelgard’s new design isn’t bad, but it just lacks the gravitas our Empress deserves.

Caspar looks like he just stepped out of a wind tunnel, and his new hairstyle is nothing short of a disaster. Most of Three Hopes’ redesigns are good, or even great, but boy does Caspar feel like the odd one out.