It’s time to assemble an army. Fire Emblem Engage is here, and as the latest entry in Nintendo’s tactics franchise, there are plenty of different characters that players can add to their roster. Different classes abound, and there are 35 characters in total that you can command across the 26 different chapters of Fire Emblem Engage, with six of these party members being optional. The remaining 29 are mandatory party members who join during the main storyline.
To make things easier, we’ve organized the characters alphabetically by their faction/homeland. You don’t want to miss out on anyone, so use our guide and you can avoid stress by knowing exactly who is unlockable and when they’ll become available.
Given the nature of this game, there are mild spoilers in this list.
Fire Emblem Engage Brodia characters

- Starting class: Archer
- Starting weapon: Bow
- Alcryst is a young prince of Brodia who is automatically unlocked at the start of Chapter 7, Dark Emblem.
- Starting class: Lance Cavalier
- Starting weapon: Iron Lance
- Amber is a loyal ally to the Brodian princes, and you’ll get him in your party at the beginning of Chapter 8, The Kingdom of Might.
- Starting class: Mage
- Starting weapon: Fire
- As the magical retainer of Brodia’s Prince Alcryst, Citrinne joins your group at the start of Chapter 7, Dark Emblem.
- Starting class: Lord
- Starting weapon: Sword
- Heir to the throne of Brodia, Diamant is added to your roster at the beginning of Chapter 8, The Kingdom of Might.
- Starting class: Armored Axe
- Starting weapon: Axe
- Another defender of the Kingdom of Brodia, Jade is unlocked early if you have Alear speak to her during the battle of Chapter 9, A Clash of Forces.
- Starting class: Sword Fighter
- Starting weapon: Sword
- Another of the bodyguards to Prince Alcryst, Lapis is added to the party at the beginning of Chapter 7, Dark Emblem.
- Starting class: Warrior
- Starting weapon: Axe
- As a fighter for the Kingdom of Brodia, Saphir can be missed. You’ll need to speak to her with Alear, Alcryst, or Diamant during Chapter 19, The Dead Town.
- Starting class: Thief
- Starting weapon: Dagger
- A thief who isn’t really loyal to anyone but herself, Yunaka will join the party in the beginning of Chapter 6, The Stolen Ring.
Fire Emblem Engage Elusia characters

- Starting class: Axe Fighter
- Starting weapon: Axe
- This roaming, axe-wielding free spirit is easily missed. Pick her up by going on the Mysterious Merchant Paralogue and then talking to her.
- Starting class: Hero
- Starting weapon: Sword
- Retainer to Princess Hortensia, Goldmary shows up as a foe first. You’ll get her in your party at the start of Chapter 16, Seashore Travels.
- Starting class: Wing Tamer
- Starting weapon: Magic
- Princess of Elusia, you’ll have to fight Hortensia multiple times. Eventually, you’ll automatically receive her as a companion when you finish Chapter 14, The Battle for Solm.
- Starting class: Sage
- Starting weapon: Tomes
- Lindon shows up as a foe and is one of the trickier allies to recruit. You’ll miss out on him if you don’t talk to him with Alear, Ivy or Hortensia during Chapter 18, The Cold Voyage.
- Starting class: Wing Tamer
- Starting weapon: Magic
- After being faced as an opponent several times, Ivy will join your forces automatically over halfway through the battle in Chapter 11, Retreat.
- Starting class: Swordmaster
- Starting weapon: Sword
- As Ivy’s bodyguard, Kagetsu is also fought multiple times. Like Ivy, he joins you during the back half of Chapter 11, Retreat.
- Starting class: Wyvern Rider
- Starting weapon: Axe
- This retainer to Hortensia swaps from friend to foe upon the start of Chapter 16, Seashore Travels.
- Starting class: Thief
- Starting weapon: Steel Dagger
- Alongside Ivy and Kagetsu, you’ll fight Zelkov before he helps turn the tide as part of the reinforcements in Chapter 11, Retreat.
Fire Emblem Engage Firene characters

- Starting class: Noble
- Starting weapon: Iron Lance
- Prince Alfred joins your fledgling party during the battle in Chapter 3, Hostilities.
- Starting class: Noble
- Starting weapon: Fire
- This mystical noble will be added to your group at the beginning of Chapter 4, A Land in Bloom.
- Starting class: Lance Flier
- Starting weapon: Javelin
- This pegasus-riding retainer to Celine will join your party at the beginning of Chapter 4, A Land in Bloom.
- Starting class: Axe Fighter
- Starting weapon: Axe
- Protector of Prince Alfred, Boucheron also joins you partway through the battle in Chapter 3, Hostilities.
- Starting class: Archer
- Starting weapon: Bow
- As another defender of Prince Aldred, Etie will also be added to your roster when you’re part of the way into the battle of Chapter 3, Hostilities.
- Starting class: Lance Armor
- Starting weapon: Lance
- The second guardian of Celine, Louis brings his armored frame to your party at the start of Chapter 4, A Land in Bloom.
- Starting class: Martial Monk
- Starting weapon: Mystic Arts
- A missable monk, you need to take on the Budding Talent Paralogue in order to add him to your party.
Fire Emblem Engage Gradlon characters
- Starting class: Royal Knight
- Starting weapon: Flame Lance
- This brute is one of the Four Hounds, and he’ll be facing you in battle throughout the story. He eventually joins you at the beginning of Chapter 21, The Return.
- Starting class: Fell Child
- Starting weapon: Misericorde
- A mysterious waif who shows up throughout the game, she’ll be added to your party at the start of the battle in Chapter 22, The Fell & The Divine.
Fire Emblem Engage Lythos characters

- Starting class: Dragon Child
- Starting weapon: Iron Sword
- The main protagonist of the game and the new Divine Dragon, Alear is the character you directly control, so you get them from the moment you start playing the game. Alear can also be male or female.
- Starting class: Mage
- Starting weapon: Fire
- One of the twins responsible for helping guard the Divine Dragon, Clanne joins your party as a founding member in Chapter 2, Queen Lumera.
- Starting class: Martial Monk
- Starting weapon: Mystic Arts
- The brawling healer Framme is the other twin that helps protect the Divine Dragon. She’s added to your party at the start of Chapter 2, Queen Lumera.
- Starting class: Paladin
- Starting weapon: Iron Axe
- Another loyal servant of the Divine Dragon, Vander is the first ally you’ll gain, with him joining your party in Chapter 1, Awake At Last.
Fire Emblem Engage Solm characters

- Starting class: Great Knight
- Starting weapon: Axe
- Bodyguard to Fogado, Bunet is added to your group automatically at the start of Chapter 12, The Sentinels.
- Starting class: Sentinel
- Starting weapon: Lance
- Young prince of Solm, Fogado joins your roster at the beginning of Chapter 12, The Sentinels.
- Starting class: Wolf Knight
- Starting weapon: Knives
- As the retainer to Timerra and the Queendom of Solm, Merrin brings animal power to your group at the start of Chapter 13, Heroes of the Oasis.
- Starting class: High Priest
- Starting weapon: Elfire
- A mystic aiding the royal household of Solm, Pandreo will automatically join your party at the start of Chapter 12, The Sentinels.
- Starting class: Dancer
- Starting weapon: Mystical Arts
- This dancer will join your group when you talk to him after the battle in Chapter 15, Dancer in the Ruins.
- Starting class: Sentinel
- Starting weapon: Lance
- As the heir to the Queendom of Solm, you’ll unlock Timerra at the beginning of Cahpter 13, Heroes of the Oasis.
Fire Emblem Engage is out now for Nintendo Switch.