Lives and homes have been threatened after a bushfire in mid-west Western Australia jumped containment lines.
A bushfire emergency warning was issued on Sunday for people in an area bounded by Brand Highway to the west, Skipper Road to the south and Correy Road to the east in parts of Arrowsmith and Arrowsmith East in WA's Irwin and Three Springs shires.
The alert level was downgraded to watch and act on Sunday night after a change in wind direction.
"There is a possible threat to lives and homes as a fire is approaching in the area and conditions are changing," Emergency WA said in a statement.
Firefighters were actively battling the blaze on Sunday evening with aerial support sent to assist ground crews.
Bush Fire Service volunteers were also attending.
The fire started earlier on Sunday near the intersection of Correy Road and the Brand Highway in Arrowsmith.
Emergency WA said the blaze had been sparked by lightning and was moving fast in a north-easterly direction.
Residents have been advised to avoid the area and be aware of fire and emergency services personnel working on site.
Correy Road has been closed while the Brand Highway was closed between Indian Ocean Drive and Three Springs-Eneabba Road.