O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how wonky are your branches.
A row has broken out in March, a town in Cambridgeshire, over a lopsided tannenbaum erected in Market Place. The 30ft tree has a significant tilt, prompting some residents to liken the conifer to the leaning tower of Pisa, and others to question its safety.
Dozens of people debated the wonky tree when a photo appeared on a Facebook group, with some calling it “embarrassing” and others praising the work of volunteers from the March Christmas lights committee.
One resident, Kimberly Williams, told the BBC: “The Italians have got the leaning tower of Pisa; March has now got the leaning tree of Christmas.”
The town clerk at March town council, Sarah Lemmon, launched an excoriating takedown of the wonky tree’s detractors, criticising “the cancel culture mentality of a moaning minority” who, she argued, were “trying to kill the spirit of Christmas”.
She told Cambridgeshire Live: “It is very disappointing that each year sees a small (but very vocal) minority surface, which seems hellbent on spreading negativity, finding fault, levelling criticism, and generally trying to kill the spirit of Christmas.”
She conceded the tree was “a little bit wonky. But it is a beautiful tree that will be decorated this weekend and, let’s face it, Pisa’s famous leaning tower is celebrated and adored the world over.
“Why not enjoy our ever so slightly leaning tree and express some gratitude and festive cheer? For many years, a dedicated team of volunteers has worked incredibly hard to deliver what is, arguably, one of the finest Christmas lights displays in Cambridgeshire.”
She said thousands of families turned out each year for the switching on of the Christmas lights and accompanying entertainment. While many other councils had decided not to display Christmas lights this year because of high energy costs and a lack of volunteers, she said, March town council had continued the tradition because it had “budgeted wisely and is fortunate to have such a marvellous, selfless committee”.
“It refuses to submit to the cancel culture mentality of a moaning minority. I, personally, wish to thank everyone involved in organising and staging our spectacular Christmas display. The time, energy and effort involved is rarely recognised or valued. I feel very proud that our Christmas lights put March on the map and help to spread joy to so many.”
The switch-on event at Market Place will start at 6pm on Friday. The council has asked people to hold off putting their own decorations on the tree until the lights are on.