Text alerts will be sent to travellers heading to the NSW snowfields to avoid getting turned back when the car parks are full.
Transport for NSW is providing the free SMS alerts - provided users sign up to the service - as it is required to temporarily close Kosciuszko Road or Alpine Way once parking availability at Perisher and Thredbo reaches capacity.
Alternatively, livetraffic.com has three cameras covering the area: Kosciuszko Road and Alpine Way (Jindabyne), Kosciuszko Road and Perisher Valley (in the Kosciuszko National Park) and Kosciuszko Road (Wilsons Valley).
"It's something our teams have been working on behind-the-scenes with our partners, including the National Parks and Wildlife Service and the NSW Department of Planning and the Environment," a Perisher spokesperson said.
"We've taken time to consider how we can better communicate and plan ahead, while also providing enhanced services to support a better guest experience."
Once capacity is reached, visitors have little option but to take public transport or use the ski tube from Bullock's Flat.
Operators at the resorts are desperately hoping for more snow as the peak school holiday approaches on July 5 and Charlotte Pass resort is scheduled to reopen for business after its sewage system burned down last month.
Last year between June 19 and 26, a series of weather systems last year dropped 76cm at Perisher, just in time for a bumper school holiday crowd which had the carparks at capacity for several days.
Late on Tuesday, good snowfalls from the passage of a cold front and storm were reported at the Victorian and NSW resorts, but with strong winds up top.
More light snow, above 1500m on Tuesday night and above 1200m on Wednesday, was predicted in the days ahead, together with low temperatures.
Snow forecaster Pete "The Frog" Taylor posted on Monday that "temps at the tail end of this front will be cool so we should see the snow guns fire up, and then it's likely the next week will be cold enough for the guns to operate each night".