“Most of us live in a safe world,” New York filmmaker Alan Pakula once said, “we don’t have to fight for our values, we don’t have to fight for our freedom, we don’t have a sense of injustice.”
Granted, it was decades ago that the director said those words, but in today’s world, that quote has a totally different relevance and meaning. In the 1970s, Pakula directed groundbreaking films like All the President’s Men, Klute and Sophie’s Choice, starring talents like Meryl Streep, Harrison Ford, Dustin Hoffmann and Jane Fonda, long before they were the iconic names we know them as today.
While Pakula’s legacy has not been forgotten, his work is making a comeback. The American Film Institute in Los Angeles is honoring Pakula with a tribute on November 17, screening Alan Pakula: Going For Truth, a new documentary directed by Matt Miele.
It’s the first authorized documentary detailing the life of the legendary film director, his profound influence on actors, his greatest masterpieces, his personal life and why Pakula was always going for substance over sensation—a nice reminder in today’s controversial cinema world. Until it hits theatres next spring, Miele spoke to us about Brad Pitt, what set Pakula apart and who he hopes to sneak into the final edit.
When you do a Google search for Alan Pakula today, it doesn’t do justice for his legacy, the amount of work that he did. Is that why you wanted to him justice by creating this documentary?
Matthew Miele: I felt the same thing, he is a filmmaker I watched in my early years, he did so much important work. I was shocked when he died tragically, and its difficult to wrap your head around that. It sucks up much of the work’s attention, you hear about how he died, instead of how he lived.
What did you want to highlight?
I noticed there wasn’t any spotlight on his work over the years, in lieu of meeting him, I could probably do a documentary and collect the cast, crew and family that touched him and he made impression on. I collected film clips too and tried to see if o could get a theme going of what he was all about. You want to immerse yourself in his work after seeing this documentary, I think.
Did you start out by getting in touch with his wife, Hannah Cohn?
I emailed Hannah’s son and they contacted me three weeks later saying they discussed it as a family and said they were willing to hear me out. I spent a few afternoons with her and we talked about how nothing had been done and that this documentary was worth doing.
How did you get Jane Fonda, Harrison Ford and Meryl Streep to sit down with you for such confessional interviews in this film?
I knew Jane, Harrison and Meryl were essential to this film, without them, I wouldn’t have something definitive. For some interviews, I had to fly places, to people’s homes, but I feel that ultimately that if I didn’t do it in an all-encompassing way, I wouldn’t have done the job. Even before it hits theatres, I’m very earnestly approaching Warren Beatty and Brad Pitt. I want to include their voices, too.
The conversation around cinema as a dying art, something Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese has been saying, ties into Pakula’s classic films, too. How do you see the argument?
There’s no question. When they started chiming in on that debate—more like an attack—on what cinema has become, the amusement park nature of films today, I couldn’t agree more. However, I think there’s room for both. I don’t see why they can’t coexist. What I find depressing is people who used to go to cinemas to see human interest stories, people aren’t going to see them anymore. I’d argue people aren’t streaming them, either. For years, people were saying TV was going to kill cinema, I think it finally did. Sopranos, Mad Men, they killed off the need to get your cinema fix.
Was he an actor’s director?
No question, and I tried to define that in the interviews. What I learned is that Pakula would basically shut down the film set and only have himself, the cinematographer, scrip supervisor and actors, so it became a safe space where the actors could really delve into the character, before they brought it to the lights and camera. That’s missing today, as well. Its hard to carve that out and make that happen.
Why is it called Going For Truth?
I quoted him. Pakula one said he doesn’t like to gussy up film with a lot of cuts, he doesn’t like to do things just for entertainment value. All his scenes are going for truth. He said that quite definitively. I wanted to capture that. Truth has a special resonance today with All The President’s Men and the journalistic aspect of that film, Alan Pakula was struggling to find the truth of films. I wanted to hit him with a film that rediscovers that.