Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is an action role-playing game by Square Enix that features a romance and relationship mechanic centered around Cloud.
The game also has relationship meters that show how each character feels about the protagonist. This guide will focus on one particular individual, Aerith, and what you need to know in order to increase your relationship score with her.
Increasing Aerith's Relationship Points
The main goal with Aerith is to get the maximum rank on her Bonds of Friendship meter before going on the Gold Saucer date in Chapter 12. Due to Cloud's personality, you will only have a few opportunities to make impactful decisions to deepen his bond with Aerith.
These include specific dialogue choices, sidequests that are focused on Aerith herself, and bonus relationship-boosting events.
In Chapter 2, the heroine, as usual, takes the initiative, and the correct choice is, "Sure. Let's" when she asks Cloud out on a date in Kalm, according to GameSpot.
You should also complete the Flowers from the Hill sidequest that can be taken after speaking to Chloe at Bill's Chocobo Ranch.
In Chapter 4, another sidequest, Stuck in a Rut, can be taken at Gabe's Chocobo Ranch. This one is particularly important because it unlocks fast travel between the Grasslands and Junon regions.
Another dialogue option for boosting your relationship points with Aerith is during a conversation under Junon Inn. When she talks about old times, you should select, "You shoved a flower at me."
During the Junon Inauguration Parade, you need to be careful because this is where the first event that provides hidden, bonus relationship points comes.
The Seventh Infantry needs to get the Outstanding Achievement award from Heidegger which needs a score of 100,000, said CBR.
In Chapter 6, you are given the chance to choose beachwear for Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith, and the correct choice here will be a conservative look for both characters.
Later, when you start the Hojo boss fight, you need to help Aerith and Barret instead of Tifa and Red XIII. Afterward, when given the dialogue option, you need to choose, "They're just thoughts."
Selecting the Right Dialogue Option
Another sidequest you need to complete is in Chapter 7 which is known as Rendezvous in Costa del Sol. After that, the dialogue option in Chapter 9 is when you are outside of Zack's House and you should pick "They didn't seem to mind."
Next is the sidequest, The Spice of Life, which requires you to get a special mushroom that is usually picked from a specific vendor but will send you to pick it yourself.
Chapter 10 features the next dialogue option when you are in Comso Canyon Village and you should choose, "Encourage her."
For the final dialogue option, in Chapter 11, you will have to choose, "Sounds like something I'd do" when Aerith and Cloud are looking toward Tifa's house. The last two sidequests are in Chapter 12 and are Beneath Still Waters and Woodland Vigil, according to GameRant.