The voice actor who plays Yuffie in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is so good at fake vomiting that during her recording sessions, the team had to tell her to "tone it down."
In an interview with Final Fantasy developer Square Enix, Suzie Yeung discusses what it was like bringing the ninja to life in the sequel and reflects on a particularly memorable moment during the recording process. "It was when Yuffie got motion sick - and there are not too few of those scenes," the actor says.
"I just remember when we were playing it out, my director, Kirk Thornton, was like, 'Ok, I need you to really act like you’re vomiting right now. I need you actually hurl chunks!' So, I was trying to give my grossest reaction - and it was great and really fun!" You can't say that Yeung wasn't committed to the character.
"But then the team were like, 'Actually, you need to tone it down - they don’t really like that,'" the Yuffie actor adds. "In the original take it was quite a lot! Hopefully it’s scaled back a little in the actual game." If you've already played Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you'll know the scenes Yeung is talking about. Yuffie isn't a good flyer and if the take we've got in the game is scaled back from the original, it's probably a good thing the actor dialed it back.
Elsewhere in the interview, Yeung is asked the most difficult part about playing Yuffie, and surprisingly, pretending to vomit isn't it. "Yuffie is a very reactive character," the actor replies. "Everything about her is very ‘big’ - in contrast to the existing team, who I think are relatively serious and a lot more grounded. So, it was kind of challenging to balance that - to make her into something that’s not a caricature, or something that will stick out like a sore thumb."
Already done with the sequel? Take a look at our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth hidden Cactuars guide to tick off those final collectibles.