Exploring the universe of Square Enix’s popular MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV is no easy task. From the vast fields of Eorzea, the mountains of Orthard, and worlds beyond the stars, Final Fantasy XIV has a lot of ground to cover. As a result, it can be an arduous journey traveling to the many vistas of this game on foot, especially for new players. Fortunately, Final Fantasy XIV contains a huge number of mounts to help players traverse the lands at a greater pace ranging from mighty steeds to technologically advanced vehicles.
Final Fantasy XIV has over 200 mounts to collect and ride, with more being added with every patch and expansion like Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, and the upcoming Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail. So, we have put together a list of every single mount you can acquire in Final Fantasy XIV and how to unlock them to help your journey go by much faster. We will also showcase mounts that are currently no longer available due to being limited-timed exclusives in case they are brought back in a future update.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Main Scenario Quest mounts

These are mounts you can obtain by playing through the main storyline.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Online Store mounts

You can directly purchase these mounts from Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIV Online Store using real money.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Recruit a Friend & Callback mounts

These mounts are gifted to players who managed to get their friends to play Final Fantasy XIV through the Recruit a Friend and Callback campaigns.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Job mounts

These are mounts you can acquire by completing achievements as specific Jobs.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Deep Dungeon mounts

You can obtain these mounts by engaging in the Roguelike, Deep Dungeons.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Raid and Dungeon mounts

These mounts are rewards for clearing Raids and Dungeons.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Trial mounts

These mounts are rewards for completing Trials.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Beast Tribe mounts

Befriending the Beast Tribes of Final Fantasy XIV will reward you with these mounts.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Hunt mounts

The Hunt is side-content that tasks you with hunting special monsters out in the overworld. Slaying these creatures will reward you with these mounts.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: FATE mounts

These mounts are acquired by participating in rare, overworld events called "FATES."
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: PVP mounts

Engaging other players in Final Fantasy XIV's myriad of PVP modes will reward you with these mounts.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Gold Saucer mounts

These mounts are available for purchase using currency earned in mini-games at the Manderville Gold Saucer.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Crafting & Gathering mounts

These mounts can only be obtained in content that requires Crafting and Gathering Classes.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Bozjan Resistence mounts

You can obtain these mounts by completing activities associated with the Bozjan Resistence.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Miscellaneous mounts

This section is dedicated to mounts obtained through various forms of content that were too short for their own sections.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Limited-timed mounts

These mounts were available for a limited-time during special events or seasons of the PVP modes. While most of these mounts can't be obtained anymore, some of these events that reward these mounts are brought back every once in a while so it is a good idea to keep an eye out.
Final Fantasy XIV mounts: Endwalker mounts

These are brand-new mounts that have been added to Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. Be warned that this list will contain potential spoilers for the main scenario quests, so read this list if you're prepared for that or after completing the story.
What mount will you strive to obtain?
As you can see, Final Fantasy XIV has a metric ton of mounts for you to ride. I plan to grab the Landerwaffe mount because it is an epic-looking robot dragon that transforms into a jet straight whenever it flies. This is but one of many features that have made Final Fantasy XIV one of the best multiplayer games on PC, and future updates and expansions will continue to expand upon them.
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail is set to launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on July 2, 2024. This upcoming expansion will add new jobs, raids, locales, bosses, and much more.
We wish to give a special shout-out to YouTuber Zepla HQ and the fansite FFXIV Collect for information regarding the unlock requirements for every mount.