The late filmmaker Raj Khosla is known for making classic films including 'CID', 'Dostana', 'Mera Saaya', and shooting some iconic Bollywood songs like 'Lag jaa gale', 'Mera saaya saath hoga', 'Yeh hai Bombay meri jaan' among others. Now a biography on him, giving a glimpse of his life, will be published this year, announced publishing house Hachette.
The untitled biography is written by author Amborish Roychoudhury in association with Raj Khosla's daughters -- Uma Kapur and Anita Khosla.
“Considering his stellar filmography, it is surprising that Khosla hasn’t been talked about as much as his contemporaries. The book aims to correct this... The book will not only contain priceless anecdotes but also insights about his style of filmmaking which has inspired a number of directors who came after him,” Roychoudhury told PTI.
Khosla's career spanned roughly three decades wherein he worked on 27 films. The filmmaker, who trained under legendary actor-director Guru Dutt, was also credited for shooting musical sequences with dexterity.
Talking about the book, author Roychoudhury said that the biography is based on his research and interviews with actors who worked closely with Khosla in the past. “I have been able to talk to many of his collaborators, including the late Lata Mangeshkar, Mahesh Bhatt, Dharmendra, Asha Parekh, Waheeda Rahman, Sharmila Tagore, Manoj Kumar, Mumtaz, Prem Chopra, and many others. I also spoke to Aamir Khan, who grew up in the same building and later bought Khosla’s flat,” the author said.
Roychoudhury’s last book 'Cult of their Own: Bollywood Beyond Box Office' won a special mention at the 66th National Film Awards, 2018.
With inputs from PTI