A new Final Fantasy XIV expansion means a heaping serving of new mounts to obtain, and the lush jungles and plains of Tural have some cute critters. A good mount can seriously bump up your style in FFXIV, and while most of these can be obtained in-game, there are a couple of exceptions. With how much traveling you’ll be doing in Dawntrail, here’s how to obtain every single mount in the expansion, including the fuzzy alpaca.
How to Get Every New Mount in Dawntrail

There are 13 new mounts added to FFXIV with Dawntrail, eleven of which can be earned by simply playing the expansion. Here’s how to get each one, sorted alphabetically and not in the order you can obtain them.
- Air-wheeler A0 - Purchase this mount from the Air-wheeler Dealer in Solution 9, at coordinates (X:85, Y:13.3). You’ll need a whopping 7,500,000 gil though. Or you can purchase it through the market board if any players are selling.
- Alpaca - Reward for beating the Dawntrail main scenario that concludes with the quest “Dawntrail.”
- Ark - Currently only obtainable by redeeming a Dawntrail Collector’s Edition code.
- Automatoise - Purchase from the Dawn Hunt Vendor in Tuliyollal for 3200 nuts. Coordinates (X:13.9, Y: 13.5). You’ll need to follow the Dawntrail hunt questline for a while before the Automatoise can be purchased.
- Mewhapyarra - Purchase from Uah’shepya in Solution 9, coordinates (X:8.6, Y: 13.4). You’ll need 12 Ttokrrone Scales. These can be obtained from “The Serpentlord Seethes” FATE found in Northern Shaaloani.
- Mountain Zu - Currently can only be earned by redeeming codes through FFXIV’s Mountain Dew collaboration.
- Oppressor - Reward for the PvP series 6. In order to get this you’ll need to increase your PvP Series Level to 25. Once you’ve done that open your PvP Profile in the Character menu, then select “Series Malmstone” and redeem the reward there.
- Outrunner - Reward for getting the “A Life of Adventure VI” achievement. To get this you need to get every battle job to level 100, meaning every DPS, Tank, and Healer class.
- Rroneek - Purchase from the Splendors Vendor in Solution 9, coordinates (X: 9.2, Y: 13.3). You’ll need 100 Rroneek Horn Tokens, which can be purchased from a Scrip Exchange with Orange Gathers’ Scrips. Alternatively, you can try buying the mount on the market board.
- Ty’aitya - Purchase the mount from Edelina in Mor Dhona, coordinates (X:22.1, Y: 0.5). You’ll need 500 Turali Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers, which are earned through FATEs. You can also try buying this one on the market board.
- Ullr - Likely the most time-consuming mount, to get this you need to earn the achievements “Dawn of a New A Game III” and “Dawn of a New S Game III.” To get these you’ll need to slay 2000 A rank and 2000 S Rank marks in Dawntrail regions.
- Wings of Resolve - Found as a loot drop in the Everkeep (Extreme) Trial.
- Wings of Ruin - Found as a loot drop in the Worqor Lar Dar (Extreme) Trial.
How Long It Takes to Beat Dawntrail
As you can see above, if you want to get every single mount in Dawntrail you’ll need to beat the entire expansion, and then some. With that in mind, you’ll probably want to know how long you’ll need to sink into Dawntrail to see the end. If you’re focusing on just the main story, skipping side quests, role quests, etc, you’ll be looking at roughly 50 hours. There are 100 Main Scenario Quests in Dawntrail in total.
That time can, of course, fluctuate a bit if you plan on exploring, or if you’re skipping any of the cutscenes.