A Ferrari and Ford have been seized and licences immediately suspended following two instances of allegedly driving well over the posted speed limits on the weekend, police report.
At around 11am on Sunday, July 2, police report a red Ferrari allegedly sped past a stationary marked police car at significant speed.

A speed check of the vehicle allegedly revealed the car was travelling at 139kmh in an 80kmh zone.
Police then pulled over 43-year-old male driver from Griffith, before they seized the Ferrari and gave the man a licence suspension of 90 days.
Earlier on the weekend, police also seized a Ford Falcon in similar circumstances.
On Saturday, July 1, police report they caught the Ford driving 129kmh in an 80kmh zone while conducting routine speed checks.
The 22-year-old Giralang man was pulled over by police, and allegedly produced a learner licence.
Further police inspection revealed the man's car was reportedly not roadworthy, and his licence has already been suspended prior to the weekend.
His licence was suspended for a further 90 days, and he was issued $3059 worth of fines, police report.
"Police continue to urge Canberra drivers to slow down," ACT Policing said in a statement.
"Excessive speeding puts not only the driver and their passengers at significant risk, but also puts other road users in danger."
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