A man took it upon himself to open a plane’s emergency exit before walking out on its wing, receiving praise in an unexpected turn of events.
The Mexico City International Airport confirmed the bizarre situation in an official statement last Friday (January 26), stating that a passenger had opened an emergency exit and walked out onto the wing of a plane that was parked and waiting for takeoff on Thursday (January 27).
Although the airport has assured that the rogue man was turned over to the police, the culprit may have not been the criminal one might’ve thought at first.
A man opened a plane’s emergency exit before walking out on its wing, receiving praise in an unexpected turn of events

Dozens of fellow passengers went on to sign a written copy of a statement saying the airline made them wait for four hours without ventilation or water while the flight was delayed, the Associated Press (AP News) reported.
Additionally, in photographs of the statement posted online, fellow passengers said the traveler in question, whose identity has not been released, had acted “to protect everyone, with the support of everyone.”
The airport said in a statement: “Yesterday, a passenger on a flight to Guatemala opened an emergency door on a plane while it was stationary at a remote position, stood on a wing, and then re-entered the cabin, without affecting the aircraft or anyone else,” as per AP News.
The incident took place at the Mexico City International Airport with an AeroMexico flight to Guatemala

It continued: “In line with international security regulations, this person turned himself over to the authorities.”
A reported 77 passengers aboard the AeroMexico flight to Guatemala signed the statement handwritten on notebook paper supporting the man’s actions.
The statement read: “The delay and lack of air created conditions that endangered the health of the passengers. He saved our lives.”
Passengers went on to sign a written copy of a statement saying the airline made them wait for four hours without ventilation

An incident report filed with airport authorities largely confirmed that version of events, as per AP News. The report read: “Around 11:37 a.m., a Mexican airline reported the beginning of a disturbance due to passenger discontent on flight AM672.
“The flight had been due to lift off at 8:45 a.m. Thursday, but because of a maintenance alert on the plane, the captain had to return to the gate for the required maintenance.
“The passengers were unhappy, and one of them opened the emergency door and stepped out on the wing. This event required the plane to be changed.”
“The delay and lack of air created conditions that endangered the health of the passengers. He saved our lives,” passengers wrote

Image credits: Kenny Eliason
It is unclear whether airport authorities have kept the heroic man in custody or if he is currently facing any charges.
Flight tracking sites confirmed that flight AM672 to Guatemala City was delayed for 4 hours and 56 minutes on Thursday, AP News reported.
Moreover, a video reportedly recorded aboard the flight showed passengers fanning themselves and asking a flight attendant for water.
“He may have saved lives,” a reader noted