Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese says people are entitled to ask questions about his policies but he says the "word game" is "what puts people off politics".
Look back on all of Friday's updates as they happened in our blog.
Key events
- Shadow Aged Care Minister wants to debate her Coalition counterpart
- Will Morrison stand down as leader in the event of a hung parliament?
- Does Labor support a royal commission into the pandemic?
- How is Albanese feeling post-COVID?
- Albanese on Turnbull's comments
- Labor ditches policy of adding superannuation to paid parental leave
- Turnbull says he's 'not telling anyone who to vote for'
- Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg says he disagrees with Turnbull's comments
- Turnbull says 'teal independents' have chance because Liberal Party has lost its way
- Richard Marles defends Anthony Albanese
- Greens pledge five new birthing on country hubs in $144m federal election promise
Live updates
By Jessica Riga

And that's where we'll leave our live coverage
Thank you for your company today. We'll be back this Sunday to live blog the second leaders' debate.
Until then, you can stay up to date with all the latest election news here on our Australia Votes page.
See you on Sunday!
By Jessica Riga

There's another leaders' debate this Sunday
Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese will go head to head in the second leaders' debate this Sunday, which will air on Channel Nine at 8:45pm.
We'll be blogging the whole thing, so we'll see you then.
By Jessica Riga

Shadow Aged Care Minister wants to debate her Coalition counterpart
Labor's Shadow Minister for Aged Care Clare O'Neil has called on her Coalition counterpart to commit to an election debate.
Minister for Aged Care Services Richard Colbeck has come under fire during his tenure over the number of COVID-19 deaths in aged care facilities throughout the pandemic.
He's been largely missing from the federal election campaign.
Speaking to Sky News, Clare O'Neil has called for Mr Colbeck to commit to a debate on aged care.
"You will have noticed we've had a couple of key debates this week, our Defence spokespeople debating, our Treasury spokespeople debating, what is missing here is a debate about the key policy area of aged care," she says.
"This debate must happen."
By Jessica Riga

South Australian corrections department facing legal action after refusal to supply prisoners with voting materials
South Australia's Department for Correctional Services is facing legal action after refusing to distribute copies of a political newspaper for inmates ahead of the federal election.
The four-page "Just Us" newspaper contains information — including about prisoner rights and eligibility to vote — as well as articles outlining the policies of all political parties.
It been produced by the Justice Action advocacy group since 2004 and is distributed to prisons across the country — however, its circulation has been barred in South Australia.
Lawyers for the group were planning to file proceedings against the state's Department for Correctional Services in the Supreme Court on Friday morning, May 6, in an attempt to overturn that decision.
Prisoner advocate and Justice Action coordinator Brett Collins said the legal action would target the department's chief executive, David Brown.
"It's very surprising that South Australia has refused access to the newspaper when every other jurisdiction across Australia has allowed it into the prisons.
"It informs prisoners about things that affect them and, of course, the election affects everyone."
By Jessica Riga

By Jessica Riga

In pictures: Scott Morrison campaigns in Perth
The Prime Minister has returned to the west to continue his campaign.
By Jessica Riga

In pictures: Anthony Albanese campaigns in Sydney
The Opposition Leader has been campaigning in inner-west Sydney today.
By Jessica Riga

If there's a federal election swing to Labor, this will be NSW's first seat to fall
Away from the outer suburban mortgage belt and the teal-targeted inner-city seats, the Liberal-held electorate of Reid could be the first to fall if there is a swing to Labor in NSW this federal election.
Reid, held by the Liberals on a 3.2 per cent margin, is the state's most marginal Liberal seat on a two-party preferred basis.
ABC chief election analyst, Antony Green, said that of all the Liberal seats, Reid will be the hardest to hold.
By Jessica Riga

Why did the Morrison government scrap the SkyGuardian program?
Q: On the unmanned aerial drones, or vehicles, why did the government scrap the $1.3 billion SkyGuardian project a couple of months ago, which would have required 10-12 of these UAVs, which we were told would do a great job in protecting our northern borders. Why did we scrap them?
Here's Morrison:
"When we're making decisions about future capabilities, you've got to weigh up the respective capabilities of what you're seeking to invest in. And what we were able to do in the most recent budget was commit $10 billion to the Red Spice Initiative, which sees us massively upgrade our cyber capabilities. And so there is always difficult choices to be made in defence. And we make those choices based on the best possible advice out of our Defence Forces, out of our Department of Defence, and we consider those things carefully.
"But, you know, government's hard. You've got to make difficult choices all the time about capability. There are programs you choose not to go ahead with because you want to go ahead with other programs. I've got to say, one of the most difficult decisions I had to make over the course of this last term was to discontinue the attack class program for the French submarines.
"I understood that doing that would carry some pretty serious ramifications when it came to the relation — yes, both on cost and on the diplomatic issues, with a good friend and partner in France. But you know, when you're prime minister, you don't get an easy day in the office. Every single day is hard. You've got to make tough decisions every day. If Anthony Albanese thinks the campaign is hard, I've got news for him — government's a lot harder."
And that's the last question the Prime Minister takes.
By Jessica Riga

Has the Liberal Party lost its ground under Morrison's leadership?
"The Liberal Party has ensured that, through the most difficult challenge that we have faced since the Second World War and the Great Depression, that our policies - JobKeeper, cashflow boost, understanding the importance of small business, investing inmering, investing in manufacturing, investing in training, ensuring we could guarantee the essential services that Australians rely on, which comes from running a strong economy, getting taxes down - I mean, tax rates for small business has gone from 20% to 35%.
"We're ensuring now that, if you're earning $90,000 a year, that you're paying 50 bucks a week less on tax than you would have if Labor Party's taxes still were in place. That's what the Liberal Party's always been about. Getting taxes down, ensuring that we're delivering on a strong economy, guaranteeing the essential services that Australians rely on.
"That's what the Liberal Party have always stood for. And that is the strong economy they can vote for. Now, if they want to consider an alternative that leads to chaos in the parliament, then that will only lead to their interests, their families, their jobs, their economy, being under threat."
By Jessica Riga

Will Morrison stand down as leader in the event of a hung parliament?
"I'm the first prime minister that has been able to stand for election at the last election and then stand for an election again. So I'm going to the Australian people at this election, and that's the first time that has happened in about 15 years. And that has provided great stability and certainty, I believe. And that was one of the things I said I would bring back to politics when I became prime minister.
"That I would provide that certainty and stability of leadership, which I have delivered from last election through to this election. And I'm putting myself forward to be able to continue to provide that strong leadership. So the decision - the decision for the Australian people - is up to them. And I put my trust in their good conscience and their good faith. That is my answer."
By Jessica Riga

Does Morrison believe both he and the Coalition will have the support of young voters?
"For young voters in particular, I know there are many things that play on their minds at this election. Of course, issues of climate change are of great interest. They're of interest - my kids are not of voting age yet, but they talk about these issues as well. That's why, as a government, we've had a very practical approach to addressing that issue," Morrison says.
"You've asked me about young people. 220,000 apprentices in trade training today. That is the highest level we have seen since 1963. We're giving young people the opportunity for a great job. I mean, youth unemployment is down to 8.3%. Young Australians are coming out of training, out of school, out of university, and going into jobs. That wasn't the case when I left university. It wasn't the case when my generation left training.
"They walked into joblessness and they walked into the question about "if" they would have a job, not what sort of job. And for young people today - for young people today, because of the strong economic management we've provided, they can look forward to their future with confidence. Because we're getting the youth unemployment rate down."
By Jessica Riga

Does Morrison think his comment about a 'red line' were appropriate?
Q: A prominent Opposition MP in the Solomons has claimed that, following PM Sogavare's comment that Australia's threatened to invade, that's paved the way for Chinese boots on the ground in the Solomons. Do you still believe that your comments about a red line were appropriate? Or has the language put Australia's national security more at risk?
Here's Morrison:
"No, I don't believe it has. I mean, we've been very clear — as we always have — about what Australia's national security interests are. And we've also always been very clear about the very high levels of support that we've always provided to the people of Solomon Islands and the Solomon Islands government. The Australian Federal Police are there right now. And they will be there until the end of 2023.
"We've given those commitments. And we'll continue to provide additional support as they require it. They have a secret arrangement with the Chinese government. But I'll tell you this — when it comes to dealing with the coercion that we see from the Chinese government — whether here in our region, in the south-west Pacific, or anywhere else across the Indo-Pacific — there is no government, there is no prime minister, that has been more forward-leaning in standing up to that coercion in face of the world.
"This is what a strong government does to protect Australia's national interests. I will never step back from protecting Australia's national interests."
By Jessica Riga

Now to the AUKUS deal
Reporter: It's been eight months since the French submarine contract was scrapped. What's holding you back from finalising compensation agreements so voters can know exactly how much this saga costs them?
Morrison: It's a process that's being followed in the normal course of events. And it hasn't concluded yet. I mean, it's a commercial process that's underway.
Reporter: Is it being delayed so voters don't know the true cost before the election?
Morrison: Of course not. What makes you say that?
Reporter: I'm asking how much do you expect it will cost?
Morrison: We don't know at this point.
Reporter: You must have some idea…
Morrison: I'm not going to pre-empt any such commercial negotiation. That would be foolish. That would be reckless. And I don't engage in recklessness on national security policy or commercial policy on behalf of the government.
By Jessica Riga

Does Morrison think his government has done enough to address systemic issues among Indigenous Australians?
"That's one of the most challenging and difficult areas of public policy in supporting Indigenous Australians, whether they be in our major capital cities or, particularly, in remote communities," Morrison says.
"Ken Wyatt, the first ever Australian to be the Minister for Indigenous Australians, the first Indigenous Australian to ever sit in a Cabinet - in my Cabinet - I think has been very well-placed to inform the government's response.
"When I became Prime Minister, one of the things I wanted to change was how we were dealing with closing the gap. Because the problem with Closing the Gap - it was only dealing with things at a federal level. And what I was able to do with Pat Turner, who heads the Coalition of peak groups of Indigenous service providers is, we struck a new deal.
"A deal that ensured that everybody has a role to play, including the federal government, including state governments and others, commit to the same outcomes and commit to the same plans with the funding to support that, as we've demonstrated now in several budgets since I've brought down that first agreement.
"And that includes everything from the causal factors that go to Indigenous disadvantage with health and education and maternal health and child health and foetal alcohol syndrome and all of these types of things. We've been increasing our investment and ensuring that those investments have been drawn up by the experiences on the ground.
"Now, we will take the same approach there in Wadeye, working with the local authorities to ensure that they get what they need from the Commonwealth areas of responsibility. And that means it's a tough issue and we will be guided by what is needed on the ground, and listen carefully to the requests for assistance that are made."
By Jessica Riga

Why is Morrison opposed to a royal commission into the pandemic?
"I said we're still in the pandemic. And the pandemic hasn't completed," Morrison says.
"In fact, as you will see, the reports on some new variants coming out of South Africa and I've been following those issues closely with the chief medical officer as you expect me to.
"My focus is on continuing to manage Australia's response to the pandemic. And there'll be a time to address those issues once the pandemic has concluded."
By Jessica Riga

Will Morrison resign if he loses the election?
Q: Given Malcolm Turnbull is now advocating for teal independents, should he be kicked out of the Liberal Party, and will you resign if you lose the election?
Here's Morrison's answer:
"I'm focused on the choice that Australians have to make in just a couple of weeks' time. Over the course of the campaign Australians are getting a keen sense of what that choice is about. When we started the election, I said it was a choice between a government and Liberals and Nationals who have demonstrated that we have an economic plan for the future, one that's taken us through these very difficult times. And a Labor opposition that people don't know. And as this campaign has gone on, we've soon just how much we don't know about the Labor Party and I think Australians are really starting to ask the question - is Anthony Albanese really up to this?
"Now, when it comes to other former prime ministers have said, I have always treated former prime ministers of both political persuasions with the utmost of dignity and respect. I don't share his view. My view I just explained to you. That's the chaos of a Parliament driven by the daily musings of independents, who haven't had the experience to deal with the serious security and economic challenges our country faces, that is going to hurt people's incomes. It's going to hurt people's jobs. It's going to damage Australian security. As a result, as a result - I urge the return of the Liberal National government because that's the strength that Australia needs in these times of great uncertainty."
By Jessica Riga

The first question is about Malcolm Turnbull
Q: Your own predecessor seems to be telling Australians to do the opposite when it comes to polling day. What does it say about the government under your leadership?
"Well, the message remains exactly the same. And my warning to Australians is exactly the same," Scott Morrison says.
"That I've said all along, we are facing some of the most serious economic and international security challenges that Australians have faced since the Second World War and the great depression. And what we're announcing today here shows the fusion of economic security and national security. And making sure you are working those two issues together to keep Australians safe, and to keep our economy strong.
"Now what the government needs to continue to do, and that's why voting for the Liberals and Nationals achieves this, over the last three years in particular, we've had the strength of a majority government, if each and every day we had to go and negotiate for the government's existence with a cavalcade of independents, pushed to and fro by others, Australia wouldn't have the strength to go through the pandemic in the way we have.
"My warning is very clear to those seats where people are thinking about independents, I would say this — if they won't tell you how they would vote, how could you vote for them? Not just on who they support in government, but we can't have a government that's a weather vane. We've seen the weakness in the leadership of the Labor Party. Can you imagine having to go to that chorus of independents, the Greens, and everyone else, I mean, they're weak enough as it is."
By Jessica Riga

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is holding a press conference now
We'll bring you the key updates
By Jessica Riga

What are 'ghost' candidates and why are we talking about these invisible blow-ins?
Since we first wrote about the non-appearance of mysterious candidates standing for Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party (PHON) in the federal election, the ABC has been flooded with tip-offs from readers, listeners and viewers with more non-sightings.
And not just about One Nation candidates.
So far, we know these "ghost" candidates are contesting seats in NSW, Victoria and the ACT. But some of these candidates live as far afield as Queensland and Tasmania.
They’re totally legal, but some voters think it’s a bit strange.