A faulty electric blanket is being blamed for a house fire that claimed the life of a woman on NSW's north coast overnight.
The unconscious woman, believed to be 73-years-old, was carried out by neighbours from the burning building on Yamba's Orion Drive, shortly after 9pm on Tuesday night.
Despite the efforts of paramedics, the woman who had suffered smoke inhalation, could not be revived.
Fire crews from Yamba, Maclean and Grafton extinguished the blaze while police secured the scene.
Experts from the FRNSW Fire Investigation and Research Unit examined the property on Wednesday and determined a faulty electric blanket started the blaze.
Fire investigator, Inspector Chris Hughes urged the public to exercise extreme caution when using electric blankets this winter.
"It's essential that you check any electric blankets for worn out or bent wiring," Inspector Hughes said.
"If the blanket's been compromised electrically, don't take any chances.
"If there's brown scorching on the blanket or a frayed power cord, then throw it out and replace it."
He also said electric blankets should not remain on all night and should only be used to warm the bed then switched off to reduce fire risk.