A tragic incident that occurred more than two years ago continues to haunt the father of a 17-year-old victim, as he delivered a powerful victim impact statement in court. Craig Shilling, the father of Justin Shilling, expressed the profound emotional toll he has endured since the deadly shooting.
Shilling described his daily struggle with a range of intense emotions, including pain, anger, heartache, regret, anxiety, and stress. These feelings have disrupted what was once a normal life for him, leaving him grappling with the aftermath of the tragic event.
Despite the passage of time, Shilling emphasized that the wounds inflicted by that fateful day still feel raw and painful. The impact of the loss of his son continues to reverberate through his life, underscoring the lasting trauma caused by the shooting.

In his statement, Shilling made a powerful plea for justice, asserting that he believes Jennifer and James Crumbley, the individuals responsible for the shooting, deserve to face the full extent of the law. He held them accountable for the tragic outcome that resulted in the loss of innocent lives.
Addressing the defendants directly, Shilling conveyed the profound impact of their actions, stating, 'The blood of our children is on your hands.' His words underscored the deep sense of loss and grief experienced by the families affected by the tragic incident.
The emotional testimony delivered by Craig Shilling serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring pain and suffering caused by acts of violence. As the legal proceedings continue, the voices of the victims and their families stand as a testament to the profound impact of such senseless tragedies on individuals and communities.