A dog has been shot dead by a farmer in a desperate bid to protect his animals from sheep attacks.
The family pet managed to break away form its lead and wander off towards the sheep.
It then bit one of the animals under its nose and on its chin, prompting the farmer to use his legal right to protect his livestock on Sunday.
Police said that the dog's owner could not get it to return and described the tragedy as "upsetting for all involved" .
The farmer was then “left with no other option," it was said.
Cheshire Police Rural Crime Team recalled the incident, which took place in Disley, Cheshire, and issues a stark warning for pet owners highlighting the responsibilities of owning a dog, reports the Express.
Sgt Simpson said that a police slogan read: “Your dog, your responsibility” was “a message we stand by”.
The police worker wrote in a statement that the dog had escaped from its lead "and went on to worry a number of sheep injuring one, leaving it with bite marks to its nose and under its chin.
“This horrific incident was witnessed by the owner who tried to recall the dog, but it wouldn't return.
“Numerous attempts were made by the dog's owner and the farmer who arrived on scene, before they were left with no other option.
“Again the action taken was witnessed by everyone present and it's upsetting for all involved.”
He added: “No one wants to shoot a family pet, but it's clear in law that someone protecting their livestock have this option available to them.
“Ask yourself, if my dog broke free from its lead, am I happy that it will listen to my commands? Have I really got 'control'?
“If you're not sure, please keep it away from livestock, even if you're using a lead.”
Sgt Simpson urged for dog owners to be suitably trained before owners rely on a lead when walking near livestoke.
“Essentially a lead shouldn't be thought of as your primary control method," he continuted.
“This crime of worrying livestock is being dealt with by the attending officer and those involved.”
The dog is not the first to be shot by the working farmer in recent months.
Last March, a dog was shot multiple times in the Cotswolds after being caught on a “killing rampage."
Shocking images released by police show the body of a husky and several dead sheep.
In April, the Henley Standard reported that farmer David Hicks shot a giant schnauzer called Freja after she ran into a field of livestock.
In the same month, farmers and their insurers warned that dog attacks on livestock were reaching “epidemic proportions”.
Research published by NFU Mutual found that an increase in dog ownership during the successive lockdowns of the coronavirus pandemic saw the cost of dog attacks rise by 10 percent in 2020.