Some keen internet sleuths have zoomed in on a photo taken of Anne Hathaway and realized that she had left her Spotify open. What was she listening to? Lana Del Rey, of course! More specifically, Lana's latest album, Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd.
Not that we had any doubt, as who wouldn't be a fan of Lana del Rey? This album, in particular, is considered to be one of her best works. Other famous fans include Billie Eilish, Adele, and Lili Reinhart.
As she listens to Lana, Hathaway is wearing an all-white outfit, comprised of a textured blazer over a textured dress. The outfit is finished off with some sleek silver jewelry and simple black sunglasses. The look is classy and elegant, more like Miranda Priestley than Andy Sachs.
This comes just as Lana Del Rey is named the 10th most streamed artist on Spotify in 2023, and numerous of her songs finally go platinum. Well, now she can add the Queen of Genovia to her list of fans!

I think an existential crisis for me at this point looks like mentally hyping myself up to listen to Lana Del Rey’s first album and live through my 16 year old pain again.November 12, 2020