Come on, man. The New Orleans Saints fanbase rushed into concern when a video allegedly showing Drew Brees being struck by lightning while filming a commercial went viral on social media, but multiple local reports from New Orleans outed the marketing stunt as a forgery.
That news prompted Saints fans and observers on Twitter to shift gears, first in relief for Brees’ health, and then towards getting off jokes about what a boneheaded decision this was by his sponsor. Here’s what they’re saying after the truth came out:
https://t.co/ein1C89MeG pic.twitter.com/3N7Jn9skcf
— Ryan (@datboywolf) December 2, 2022
The most hilarious thing would have been “Drew Brees gets superpowers but is out indefinitely because the lightning also lacerated a kidney.”
— B&G Dome Terrace Paper Airplane Competition Team (@BnGreview) December 2, 2022
You know that Drew Brees video is fake because God is definitely not a Falcons fan
— BUM CHILLUPS AKA SPENCER HALL (@edsbs) December 2, 2022
Drew coming back to lead us to a super bowl after a lightning strike fixes his arm >
— JoeyPlague (@JoeyPlague) December 2, 2022
They were probably filming an “outtake” and somebody leaked it for the lulz.
— B&G Dome Terrace Paper Airplane Competition Team (@BnGreview) December 2, 2022
a supposed god fearing man faking getting struck by lightning to shill a gambling app is a surefire way to be denied entry into the gates of valhalla
— pawn with a king's mentality (@MostCrucified) December 2, 2022
“No such thing as bad publicity.”
Marketing executive in the gaming industry: “Let’s give it a shot anyway.” https://t.co/IGZUscoEqV
— Charles Robinson (@CharlesRobinson) December 2, 2022
That’s sure gonna get me to use your sports betting app pic.twitter.com/xP5MFJLQmB
— Evan Saacks (@evansaacks) December 2, 2022
BREAKING: A bulletin board fell on Drew Brees while he was sleeping last night. Sources close to the future Hall of Famer confirm “it’s a total Flat Stanley situation”
— etranuel acho (@dirtbagqueer) December 2, 2022
Drew Brees has been devoured by Slender Man
— Justis Mosqueda (@JuMosq) December 2, 2022
The only time Drew Brees has been struck by lightning was the first time he saw Brittany at Purdue University.
— Jeff Duncan (@JeffDuncan_) December 2, 2022
Had it been real, Drew Brees would have become the first Super Bowl MVP in Saints history to be struck by lightning. Alas…
— Jeff Asher (@Crimealytics) December 2, 2022
It took a while, but God finally got revenge on the man who opened a Jimmy John's franchise in New Orleans https://t.co/Dj7ktY4IAX
— PodKATT (@valleyshook) December 2, 2022
Drew Brees came to reclaim the Cringe Throne from Russ Wilson.
— Tom Mantzouranis (@tom_mantz) December 2, 2022
How was he the tallest one? https://t.co/j3m6ZTi0jd
— Mitchell Schwartz (@MitchSchwartz71) December 2, 2022
Bet that shit is conductive as hell. pic.twitter.com/lRlmlg6T9d
— Georgia is a Verb (@georgiaisaverb) December 2, 2022
The PointsBet marketing team when Brittany Brees wakes up to a viral marketing stunt of her husband getting struck by lightning in Venezuela pic.twitter.com/mPTO7sAq1p
— Evan Saacks (@evansaacks) December 2, 2022
for our next ad we're going to throw dan marino into a live volcano!
— Denny Carter (@CDCarter13) December 2, 2022
We kill Drew Brees with lightning. pic.twitter.com/0MrHm1doqn
— Fire Mickey Marotti Bacon House (@Bacon_House) December 2, 2022
A Pointsbet Board Room 3 months ago:
“Does anybody have any new marketing ideas?”Intern whispers under their breath:
“We should kill Drew Brees…”Executive shouts:
“WE SHOULD KILL DREW BREES.”— Corey Ross (@CorRock3148) December 2, 2022
my "Drew Brees was not struck by lightning in Venezuela" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt
— John Sigler (@john_siglerr) December 2, 2022
Also this means Drew Brees has superpowers now, but they’re only PointsBet USA themed superpowers
— JP Acosta (@acosta32_jp) December 2, 2022
Pointsbet getting Drew Brees ready for his next commercial pic.twitter.com/hh1PndmhQ6
— Matt (@HanselFranzel) December 2, 2022
There is a person out there who actually thought: "Let's make a fake video of Drew Brees getting struck by lightning so it will go viral and then maybe people will sign up to use our sportsbook."
— Jimmy Traina (@JimmyTraina) December 2, 2022
“I’m good.” -Drew Brees pic.twitter.com/ZybrVwm3p0
— McNeil (@Reflog_18) December 2, 2022
The most logical conclusion to the Saints season *would* be Brees getting smoked by lighting. Are we sure it didn’t happen???
— Reid (@ReidG75) December 2, 2022
Either Drew Brees was fully struck by lightning or PointsBet's running the worst marketing scheme of all-time.
Lawsuit or court of public opinion — either way, PointsBet is about to get slaughtered. https://t.co/PzBh1JpKI3
— Carlos Verde (@Carlos77Verde) December 2, 2022
Getting word that a second lightning bolt has just struck Drew Brees
— Brian Pickett (@BrianPickett) December 2, 2022
I would like a recording of the PointsBet marketing meeting where someone suggested they fake kill Drew Brees in a lightning strike.
"this will go viral, it'll be so cool"
– 19 year old Gen Z intern from Yale
— Isaac (@WorldofIsaac) December 2, 2022
i'd definitely trust a company with my money that would fake drew brees being struck by lightning for advertising
— pawn with a king's mentality (@MostCrucified) December 2, 2022
Damn I really am a sports fan before a human being I was more concerned Brees looked to be wearing a Falcons jersey before I was worried about him being struck by lightning
— Jono Barnes (@JonoBarnes) December 2, 2022
I wonder how many friends, family, teammates, and acquaintances of Drew Brees got a text last night that said something like this: "Tomorrow morning, you may think I died for a little while. But I didn't. I'm fine. Please don't tell anyone. It will spoil the surprise. 👍✌️♥️"
— ProFootballTalk (@ProFootballTalk) December 2, 2022
“so Drew Brees wanted to experience what it would be like to be struck by lightning” pic.twitter.com/WZh1XePO8g
— Tyler Conway (@jtylerconway) December 2, 2022
Drew Brees getting struck by lightning would just be the cherry on top to this brutal Saints season
— Joe Horns Cell Phone (@JoeHornsPhone) December 2, 2022
This is gonna backfire on PointsBet. What a horrible idea. Why would Brees even approve this? https://t.co/HLMIQIVzju
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) December 2, 2022
he needs to be arrested for murdering drew brees pic.twitter.com/fz6jyJnOEC
— Gus (@WashedUpTweeter) December 2, 2022
The Drew Brees lightning thing was actually Ohio State fans making a ritual sacrifice so that Purdue wins the Big Ten championship game
— Pregame Empire (@PregameEmpire) December 2, 2022
Can't wait for PointsBet to introduce Lil' Brees like when Planters killed Mr. Peanut
— Robby Kalland (@RKalland) December 2, 2022
— Kevin Clark (@bykevinclark) December 2, 2022