A family has been left hysterical as their house has become overrun with rats and mice.
Patricia Barnes said she has been dealing with a pest problem for five years and it has become so severe their family have stopped visiting their home.
The problem has escalated in recent weeks, the mum-of-one claims, becoming so "unbearable" that family have stopped visiting their home.
The 57-year-old fears that her autistic daughter, 22, will get bitten or worse by the rodents.
Patricia, from Birkenhead, said the problem started years ago when work began on a nearby empty plot of land.
She believes a nest or makeshift home was disturbed, causing the rats and mice once dwelling there to find a new home - in the row of houses in which she lives.
The problem wasn't as severe initially, she said, though it has now become serious, with "seven rats caught in the last few days."
Patricia, who acts as a full-time carer for her bed-bound mum, told the Liverpool ECHO: "In the last few weeks it's gotten so much worse.

"My daughter is terrified through the whole night every night, disturbing every neighbour on our road. I'm now scared stiff that she'll pick one up.
"She's severely autistic. Yesterday, as I dressed her inside her coat pocket there were two live mice."
Patricia told how multiple times she has gone to dress herself and found mice in her clothing, or holes created by the hungry rodents.
She said she "doesn't know" how they get into her home.
The horrified mum said: "My extended family won't even come over any more as they say it's so horrible.
"Me and my daughter shouldn't have to live like this. I'm lost."
Patricia said she tried to get help from Sanctuary Housing who own and manage her row of buildings on Borough Road.
She claims she has contacted Sanctuary multiple times over the issue, but was told she would have to "pay for [pest control] or get traps."
Patricia added: "Months later [from when the problem was first reported] there has been absolutely no action.
"We cannot afford the constant purchasing of stick pads to catch the mice. We are literally overrun with them now. It makes me so depressed."
A spokesperson for Sanctuary said: “This issue appears to originate on waste ground not owned by Sanctuary, near the local shop and pub, and where groundwork is currently being undertaken in the area.
"We have made the local authority aware of the concerns that have been shared with us and also advised our tenants to contact the environmental health team locally too.
“We arranged for a specialist pest control contractor to meet with our tenant on September 5 and investigate the issue.
"While our contractor was unable to gain access that day, we have agreed a new appointment for September 20 and can reassure all our residents that we are taking this issue very seriously.”
Wirral Council confirmed Patricia's concerns have been passed on to their housing standards team.