The brother of a missing Nottinghamshire man has urged people to help find him, saying he is "very scared" about his disappearance. Reece Jobling was last seen in Radcliffe-on-Trent on Wednesday, May 17.
The 27-year-old, who went missing for three days around a month ago, told family he was going to a friend's house. His younger brother Jack Allison said Reece could now be "absolutely anywhere" but suspected he would most likely be in the woods.
"We didn't find out until Friday as he said he was going to a friend's house," said the 21-year-old, who has been out searching. "We have looked all around Radcliffe, as well as Shelford and Holme Pierrepont.
Do you think all residential roads should have a 20mph speed limit? Let us know
"Hopefully we find him but we're all very very scared and we want him home. We are really concerned, we miss him and love him very much. He could be anywhere by now, has has links to places like London and Newcastle.
"He loves camping so he's most likely in the woods somewhere." In a message to walkers, he added: "Keep a close eye out for any kind of tents.

"He is a lovely person and not harmful, he wouldn't hurt a fly. If you see him give him a hug and tell him to contact his family. Contact 101 as soon as you see him."
Nottinghamshire Police, who are helping look for Reece, said: "We are concerned for his safety and urgently want to hear from anyone who has seen him. Reece was last seen in the Radcliffe-on-Trent area at around 6.45pm on Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
"He is around 5ft 9ins tall. He has short Brown hair and was last seen wearing Grey tracksuit trousers, a navy-blue coat and a black adidas bag, a baseball cap and headphones, as per the images on the right.
"If you have seen Reece or have any information on where he is, please call us on 101 quoting incident 790 of 19th May 2023."