A family-of-five are planning to move into a double-deck bus they bought from eBay after they were faced with homelessness.
Simon Lewis and his partner Sophie Underwood plan to convert the green school bus into a four-bed home for them and their three kids.
The family were served a shock eviction notice to leave their rented house by August 9, after their landlord decided to sell the property.
Faced with no other option, saying there are “literally no homes available” in their seaside town of Felixstowe, Suffolk, they decided to snap up the £6,000 bus online.
Simon, who owns a vaping shop, said: "Rather than leaving us homeless or burdening the council with the responsibility to find us somewhere to live, we decided to take matters into our own hands."

He said he intended to spent £20,000 renovating the bus to create their new home, which included a bathroom and toilet on the top deck, along with four bedrooms.
Downstairs there intend for there to be a kitchen, dining room and seating area.
Simon said that the Covid pandemic made it harder for the family to get “back on their feet” financially, meaning they can’t afford to buy a house.

But he believes due to living in the bus, the family will save thousands of pounds a year.
Simon said: "There are literally no homes with estate agents so basically, we decided we could either move out of town or end up homeless.
"It has always been a dream of ours to travel around the UK and visit the four parts of the country. This gives us the opportunity to visit the Lake District and see the rest of the UK."

He also rallied against second home owners and called on the government to hike their taxes.
"There should be extra tax on second homes. I would impose four times the current level of council tax on second homes and use the money to fund house building. It's an oven-ready solution isn't it?"