A derelict former hotel in one of Stirling’s most exclusive neighbourhoods could be turned into a family home.
Ross Marshall has submitted an application to Stirling Council planners for a change of use of Park Lodge in Kings Park.
The plans for the building, at 32 Park Terrace, also include new timber windows, a new roof covering, installation of an air source heat pump and the building of a detached garage and garden room.
Built in 1835, and B-listed, the building was originally a two-storey detached villa but later extended to incorporate a three-storey bay pavilion and has views of the Kings Park itself.
Although originally constructed as a private dwelling, the most recent use for the building has been as a boutique hotel, complete with function space created in the 1990s, at which point a full refurbishment of the interior was undertaken by the previous owners including en-suites to the bedrooms.
In documents submitted with the application, agents for the applicants said: “The business closed as a hotel towards the end of 2019 and has been closed to the public ever since.
“The current applicant, Mr Ross Marshall, purchased the property in March of 2022 with the intention of converting the premises to their family home.”
Original proposals lodged earlier this year attracted six public representations, including three objections raising concerns such as overlooking, footprint and increased traffic, and the application was subsequently withdrawn.
The latest plans are said to feature revisions taking on feedback from council planners.
The agents added: “The proposals are very much similar in principle to the original submission in that they are ultimately seeking to convert a former hotel back into its former use as a residential dwelling, which the applicant would hope to enjoy for many years to come.
“Following feedback on the original application, and having took cognisance of the various comments received, the proposals have been altered and revised to hopefully address the majority of these.
“The accommodation over the proposed garage has been omitted in its entirety, the scale of the proposals has also been reduced, and we feel that the garage would ultimately lead to a reduction in congestion within the lane by providing some much needed additional ‘off -street’ parking spaces.
“The external areas of the building have also been revised to reduce the amount of hard-standing proposed, and the change to residential will ultimately lead to an enhancement of the building externally.
“The demolition of the late single storey function room and unsympathetic double garage will only add to this enhancement.
“The proposals would lead to the re-use of the building in its original form.

“Given that the business closed circa three years ago, and has been marketed since, there must surely be an appreciation that the only option for its use going forward is as residential.
“The applicant intends to fully refurbish the property as part of the proposals which will hopefully preserve its use for the next 200 years.
“Whilst we accept that the financial cost of a project is not a material planning consideration, it must however be appreciated that the building in its current form requires substantial investment.
“The applicant is committed to such an undertaking, given it will be for themselves, however the proposals must satisfy their brief. Should approval be granted, they aim to progress to technical approval stage immediately thereafter.”
Council planners are expected to make a recommendation on the application in due course.