A family have waited a year for answers after a mum died when she fell down a few stairs at home. Lisa Price, 38, from Rossendale suffered a severe brain swelling that pressed down on her spinal cord and caused her to pass away.
After keeping a dignified silence for over a year her family got some answers into the circumstances surrounding her death at an inquest last week at Accrington Town Hall, reports Lancs Live.
The inquest heard from Home Office pathologist Dr Jamie Robinson who said that these type of injuries can occur even after falling from just one step, and that the "the odds are stacked against survival."
She continued on saying even if someone was rushed straight to hospital afterwards treating the injury remains "very, very difficult".
Lisa had been at home drinking with her friend Dom Farrington when they launched into a rendition of George Michael's duet with Elton John of Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me. The mum was pretending to be introduced onto stage and went to go up a few stairs at her home but tragically she slipped and fell backwards.

Until the inquest Lisa's family had no idea how the fall had happened or where she had banged her head. This was due to Dom being one of three men, along with Lisa's then partner and her housemate, who were arrested on suspicion of murder.
Dom's solicitor at the police station advised him to answer "no comment" to all questions.
During last week's inquest Dom was at last able to tell Lisa's family what had happened on the fateful night Lisa died. At the hearing, Dom cried as he spoke of his shame and remorse for having left Lisa, without calling an ambulance, after realising she was dead.
Cops searched Lisa's home in Spring Street and discovered blood on the stairs as well and the side of the settee, which they initially viewed as suspicious.
Dom explained after she had fallen he carried Lisa to the settee but when he realised she wasn't breathing, he moved her back to the floor and tried to resuscitate the mum.
Dom explained Lisa would only have been three or four steps up the stairs as this was how the pair would normally re-enact George Michael and Elton John's performance, and said although he didn't see her fall he heard the heavy thud.
"She was going back up the stairs to then turn around and come down and make her appearance, like when Elton John came onstage," Dom explained.
"It's something we've done a lot before when we sing it together. It weren't like a massive fall but I wasn't watching her, I just heard it."
When Lisa's mum Lynn said it was strange how Dom had attempted to resuscitate her but hadn't called 999 he replied: "I know, I was completely shocked. I honestly don't know."
Lynn then said: "You know where I'm coming from, as a mum, don't you?" to which Dom responded: "I do and I'm so sorry."
Dom then went on to explain why he hadn't spoken to Lisa's family since her death. "I'm sorry I haven't come to see you but I was told 'if the family approach you don't say anything'."
As Dom continued to cry Lynn said jokingly: "I've known you since you were 10 Dom, as big as you are I have given you a slap now and then, we just wanted answers. I was struggling and you were the only one who could help me put the jigsaw together."
As Assistant Coroner Richard Taylor returned a conclusion of accidental death Lynn said: "I've got more answers now thanks to what Dom has come out with. I'm still struggling with it if I'm honest but we have answers."
After the inquest Lisa's mum paid tribute to her daughter on behalf of herself, Lisa's stepdad Mark and her brother Daniel, as well as Lisa's four kids; Kian, Lexi, Nevaeh and Niley. "It is with deep sadness that Lisa was taken away from us too soon in her life which has left a massive hole in our lives and life without her will never be the same again.
"Lisa wasn't perfect but she was a happy-go-lucky person with a huge bubbly personality. She would light up the room whenever she walked in.
"She loved people and people loved her, but the love for her family and her four children; Kian, Lexi, Nevaeh and Niley, was the most important thing to her. The family would like to thank Lancashire Police for their undertakings into the investigation and all those who took part in it."
Lisa's four children added: "Mum you are our shining star and you will never be forgotten. Forever in our hearts and love you always."
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