This list features 79 people jailed in February for crimes linked to Merseyside.
Judges sentenced a son who killed his own dad in a ferocious street attack and a career criminal who stabbed a man in the neck.
Courts heard about gun thugs linked to a submachine gun, a revolver, a sniper rifle and a sawn-off shotgun.
READ MORE: Everton fan threw Lucozade bottle at Aston Villa's Matty Cash
Judges had to sentence drug dealers who spread misery across the UK and cowardly men who battered vulnerable women.
Meanwhile, disturbing cases included unrepentant child rapists and twisted paedophiles.
Here is an overview of some of the most serious cases to have concluded this past month.
Kirk Davies
Kirk Davies rammed into a taxi, dragged his ex-girlfriend out, forced her into a stolen car and then beat her during a police chase.
The 19-year-old followed the taxi, after spotting his former partner and her friends inside, in the early hours of September 5 last year.
The yob forced the taxi off the road in a stolen car on false number plates, then drove into it in Fazakerley, forcing the driver to stop.
Davies, of Middle Way, Croxteth, forced his ex into his car, and reached speeds of up to 100mph as she "feared for her life".
He repeatedly punched her to the head, pulled her hair and bit her, before threatening to hit her with a hammer.
The teen was spotted by police and chased down Longmoor Lane until he crashed into a wall, then drove off.
Davies, who admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and dangerous driving, was locked up for 22 months.
James Birch
Taxi driver James Birch organised cocaine and heroin trafficking in the Netherlands after deciding lockdown measures made it too risky to operate in the UK.
But the 35-year-old was still caught out by police, after messages detailing his criminal activity were found on the hacked EncroChat secret messaging service.
Birch was said to have used the handle "OctoBourne" throughout 2020 while working as a private hire taxi driver and organising for the transport of Class A drugs.
EncroChat messages revealed he considered it too "risky", but he then facilitated the supply of up to 20 kilos of heroin from one associate in Holland to another.
Police raided his home in Brookbridge Road, Tuebrook on December 15, 2021 and seized five mobile phones.
Birch admitted money laundering and assisting or inducing the commission of an offence abroad.
He was jailed for six years.
David Houghton

David Houghton burgled a hospital and a football club.
He struck at Vauxhall Motors in Ellesmere Port and entered the referee's changing room while a match was in progress.
The 56-year-old, from Ellesmere Port, stole a bag which contained £20 cash and a mobile phone on December 19, 2021, before another raid.
He broke into a village hall in Capenhurst Lane - the same road he lived on - and took two hoovers worth around £170, plus other items.
On January 6, he was challenged by the owner of a van in Tarvin after he was seen trying to gain access to it.
Houghton returned to Vauxhall Motors on January 22 and stole bottles of vodka and whiskey.
A day later he struck at Ellesmere Port Hospital, where he stole cash, coffee, tea bags and sugar.
Houghton, who admitted four counts of burglary and one count of vehicle interference, was jailed for 12 months.
Kaisaar Mahmood
A mum-of-two was stalked by "obsessed" work colleague Kaisaar Mahmood who created "disturbing" fantasies about her.
The victim, who the ECHO has chosen not to name, was in a happy long term relationship with her partner of 15 years.
But "delusional" Mahmood accused her of "sexually harassing him" and "leading him on", despite the fact she had no romantic interest in him whatsoever.
The 44-year-old chemical engineer involved other colleagues in his frightening "obsession", falsely telling them the woman was being abused by her boyfriend and even that she was going blind.
Mahmood, of Fenham Drive, Penketh, Warrington, who admitted stalking between May 2019 and March 2021, had two previous convictions for harassment, in 2005 and 2010, both relating to a woman he perceived as his girlfriend.
He was jailed for 13 months.
Dean McHale
Dean McHale broke into a Liverpool home and stole a mobile phone and bank cards.
The 39-year-old, of no fixed address, entered a home in Vandyke Street in Toxteth on June 9 last year.
His crime spree carried on when he was found to be handling stolen items from a home in Halkyn Avenue, Sefton Park, including laptops, mobile phone and more bank cards.
McHale admitted burglary, fraud and handling stolen goods.
He was jailed for three years.
Robert Brazendale
A gangland middle-man handed over weapons three times in less than 24 hours as he played a key role in a prolific gun supply network.
Robert Brazendale delivered an AK-47 assault rifle to one buyer, machine guns to a second, and delivered another AK-47 in a third deal on April 15, 2020.
The former electrician, 34, turned EncroChat user, also hid guns and ammunition in the back garden of his bungalow in Selworthy Drive, Warrington.
Prosecutors branded Brazendale a "quartermaster" and "essential cog in a machine running guns to other serious organised crime groups".
When raids uncovered some of the guns, he was among those questioned - but he then fled to Spain, sparking an international manhunt.
That ended in Estepona, Malaga, in October 2020 where he was arrested by the National Crime Agency and Spanish National Police.
Brazendale, who admitted conspiring to transfer prohibited firearms, was jailed for 11 years and three months.
Liam Wallace-Clark
Liam Wallace-Clark battered his ex-girlfriend while she was holding their baby in her arms.
The career criminal had only met his 13-month-old daughter for the first time that day because he had been in prison.
But he repeatedly punched his former partner in the face, after she tried to call police due to his intimidating behaviour.
The 33-year-old then "cornered" her on a couch and said: "If you're sending me to jail I might as well kill you."
He attacked the woman, who the ECHO chose not to name, at her Southport home, on Wednesday, October 7, 2020.
Wallace-Clark, of Wulfstan Street, London, but from Whitefield, Bury, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm against his ex-partner, common assault against her friend who tried to intervene to stop him, and breach of bail.
He was jailed for 59 weeks in total - around 13 and a half months.
Christopher Welsh
Christopher Welsh smashed a broken wine bottle into a woman's face after he took a cocktail of drink and drugs.
Security officer Christopher Welsh befriended a group of students who lived at a flat in Rumford Place in Liverpool city centre.
He was at the property the students shared when he took cannabis and also a sleeping pill, plus copious amounts of alcohol.
But in the early hours of the morning on August 23, 2020, he inexplicably attacked one of the women, hitting Anna Chapel over the head with a wine bottle with such force it broke, before he attacked her with the neck of the broken bottle, inflicting permanent facial scars.
Welsh, 41, of Marina Drive, Upton, Chester, admitted unlawful wounding and common assault.
He was jailed for two years.
Edward Warde

Edward Warde stole more than £10,000 of cigarettes in a spree across more than 20 shops by distracting staff then fleeing in a getaway car on false plates..
But detectives traced the 35-year-old to his address in Warrington Road in Runcorn using automatic number plate recognition data and CCTV footage.
Warde's spree lasted from September 29 to October 26 last year, when he targeted 24 shops around Cheshire, stealing £11,733 of tobacco products in total.
During one incident in Winsford, Warde also assaulted a shop worker who tried to stop him from fleeing.
He was jailed for three years.
John Newton
A girl tried to kill herself after she was twice raped by unrepentant paedophile John Newton.
He attacked his victim when she was aged between nine and 11 in historic sex offences that have now come to light.
The 56-year-old, of Wood Street, Birkenhead, also made the child perform sex acts on him and watch pornography.
Newton denied any wrongdoing, which forced the now adult woman to give evidence in a harrowing trial.
But the delivery driver was unanimously found guilty of nine sexual offences and a judge said he was "in denial".
Newton was found guilty of two counts of rape of a child under 13, three counts of assault of a child under 13 by penetration, two counts of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child, and both causing a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity and causing a child to watch sexual activity.
He was jailed for 12 years with an extended one year on licence.
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown who vowed "to make St Helens proud" before stabbing a man in the neck was found guilty of murder.
The drug addict turned his bedroom into a bloodbath when he knifed 33-year-old Lee Andrew in his right jugular vein.
Andrew fled as he ran across the road to a YMCA reception in a forlorn bid to get help, at around 11pm, on August 2 last year.
Career criminal Brown was seen to "nonchalantly" walk away - his hands covered in blood - as his victim was dying in the street.
After he was arrested on August 3, the 42-year-old, of North Road, told police: "The beast got dealt with and it was self-defence."
He suggested Andrew was bullying him and "came at him" with a knife, so he grabbed a second knife to defend himself.
Brown even claimed "more should have been done" for Andrew and questioned why YMCA staff on night duty didn't provide first aid.
But a jury took just two hours of deliberation to unanimously find him guilty of murder, after a six-day trial.
Brown was jailed for life with a minimum of 18 years.
Anthony McDonald
Anthony McDonald was caught in a hotel after breaking in and ransacking an office.
He was busted after grabbing wine and a cash box from Hotel Indigo in Liverpool city centre on November 16 last year.
McDonald and an accomplice were found behind the bar of the Chapel Street hotel by night staff, at around 1.30am.
They were challenged, leading to a scuffle in which 40-year-old career criminal McDonald suffered a head injury.
The drug addict, of no fixed address, admitted burglary and possessing cannabis.
He was jailed for two years.
Dean McCarthy

Dean McCarthy hired nearly £29,000 of equipment on his company account, only for it to vanish.
The 32-year-old serial liar, of Nicholas Road, Widnes, exploited his role as an account manager at Runcorn fire safety firm Abbey Fire.
After he was hired in July 2020, he told bosses his girlfriend had suddenly died, then claimed his car was stolen.
He was given the use of a company car, fitted with a tracker, then in November said he'd had a mild heart attack overnight.
His boss could see his car was on the move, when McCarthy claimed to be in a hospital bed, and then uncovered his scam.
McCarthy admitted nine counts of fraud by false representation and was jailed for 21 months.
Patrick Downey
A convicted child sex attacker who keeps downloading indecent images of children was branded "dangerous".
Patrick Downey, 40, has been in and out of jail for the last two decades because of his twisted perversion.
Last year police caught him with 426 sick photos, including one of a boy aged just four being raped.
Police raided Downey's home in Peel Road, Bootle on May 13 last year, uncovering the disturbing stash.
He was jailed for two years, with an extended four years on licence.
Liam Traynor
Cocaine-fuelled Liam Traynor went round to an apparent stranger's flat and beat him with a wooden bat.
The 36-year-old also drank heavily before attacking Mark Cummins in his home in Huyton in the early hours of Wednesday, December 5, 2019.
Traynor later said he could not remember anything about what led to the savage attack on Mr Cummins with two other men at Knowsley Heights.
Mr Cummins suffered two wounds to his head and injuries to his head and arm.
Traynor, of Nyland Road, Huyton, admitted wounding with intent.
He was jailed for six years.
Stephen Skelhorne
Betting shop raider Stephen Skelhorne threatened to stab a customer if a cashier didn't fill up his bag with cash.
The 37-year-old travelled to four different betting shops in one day in an attempt to get money to feed his drug habit.
On February 7, he was also involved in an aggravated burglary in Widnes when he was again armed with a knife and stole a 43-inch TV.
Skelhorne, of no fixed address, but formerly of Pennard Avenue, Huyton, has 44 previous convictions for 78 offences.
The crook admitted 10 offences involving attempted robbery, possessing a knife, aggravated burglary and going equipped with a knife to steal.
He was jailed for three years, with an extended three years on licence.
James Santamera

Serial burglar James Santamera was caught stealing money from a church.
The 46-year-old stole a wallet containing money and a bank card from the presbytery of a church in Clubmoor.
Santamera, of no fixed address, admitted burglary and fraud.
He was jailed for three years and eight months.
William Farrell
William Farrell went on a rampage at McDonald's then attacked and racially abused hospital staff.
The 28-year-old spat at his girlfriend Hayley Burrows at the McDonald's in Kensington in the early hours of March 23, 2021.
After she hid behind the counter, he kicked a hand sanitiser, grabbed a wet floor sign and threw it at the counter, then smashed a £50 plant pot.
He was arrested and taken into custody, but was unresponsive, so was taken to hospital, where while being restrained he tried to punch Dr Alicia Waite.
The thug then racially abused security guards Maria Haynes-Garcia and Jacqueline Cabungan, who tried to help police restrain him.
Farrell, of no fixed address but formerly of Old Swan, admitted criminal damage, assault by beating of an emergency worker, and two counts of racially aggravated threatening behaviour. He is already serving a two and a half year sentence for two attempted burglaries and handling stolen goods.
He was jailed for 11 months.
Neil Badrock
Neil Badrock murdered his own dad in a "ferocious, brutal and totally unforgiving" street attack.
Badrock, 28, admitted manslaughter over the five-minute street attack on 51-year-old Neil Farrington.
Witnesses described him "volleying" his dad and shouting "I will f***ing kill you" as he repeatedly kicked him in Kirkby Row in Kirkby.
The attack only ended when police arrived and found Badrock still kicking his dad in the head, while shouting: "What do you think about that?"
Badrock accepted headbutting Mr Farrington to the ground, then punching and kicking him, because he was "angry", but said he never intended to kill or seriously harm his victim, on May 17 last year.
But a jury unanimously found him guilty of murder after six hours and 20 minutes of deliberation, following a four-day trial.
Badrock, of Kenbury Close, Kirkby, was jailed for life with a minimum of 19 years.
Gregorz Ewiak
A mum and her children hid in a locked bathroom while her ex-boyfriend "smeared" blood over their home.
Gregorz Ewiak and another intruder smashed through a living room window into his former partner Paulina Dziekan's house.
When the terrifying ordeal was over, he sent her a text "threatening to have the children taken off her and her killed".
Ewiak, 34, of Neasham Road, Dagenham, London, carried out the raid at Miss Dziekan's home in Birchwood, Warrington, on October 21 last year.
He admitted burglary with intent to cause damage and criminal damage, after a charge of making threats to kill was dropped by the crown.
Ewiak was jailed for two years and four months.
Athanasios Konstantinidis
Athanasios Konstantinidis tried to hide his phone in a freezer to stop police finding dozens of videos of children being raped.
The paedophile had already been caught with child abuse images once in June 2019 but a judge had spared him jail on that occasion.
Yet instead of abiding by rules aimed at stopping him offending again, the 57-year-old bought a new phone the following year and began downloading hundreds of images and videos of child sexual abuse.
When police arrived at his home in Ashdown Close, Southport on October 28, 2020, to carry out a search, he was caught out trying to hide the phone.
Konstantinidis admitted possessing, making and distributing indecent images of children and numerous counts of breaching a sexual harm prevention order.
He was jailed for two years and eight months.
Steven Dennett
The driver of a convertible BMW had paint stripper thrown in his eye while sitting in his car with the roof down.
Steven Dennett hurled the fluid, which went into James Halligan's face, in a "terrifying" attack outside the victim's parents' home.
The "industrial strength" Paramose paint stripper - not available to the general public - was in a tin "marked with a skull and crossbones".
When it hit Mr Halligan he "screamed" and the victim said his eyes and face were "burning", while a neighbour saw the car's leather seats "bubbling".
A judge said "mercifully" Mr Halligan didn't suffer "dreadful" injuries, as he jailed Dennett for 20 months for the "cowardly" attack on July 21 last year.
Dennett, 40, of Adamson Close, Latchford, Warrington, admitted criminal damage and assault causing actual bodily harm.
He was found not guilty of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
George Heath
George Heath attacked a mental health support worker with a lamp stand.
The 24-year-old repeatedly hit his victim in the head in a "sustained" attack at his Wirral home.
The man suffered three cuts to his head and some bruising to the rear of his head and now has PTSD.
Heath, of no fixed address, but from Wirral, admitted wounding and possessing a bladed article.
He was jailed for 20 months.
Wayne O'Keefe
Wayne O'Keefe who previously attacked his 90-year-old nan was banned from seeing her for a seventh time.
Shortly before last Christmas, the alcoholic was taken to hospital suffering from a cold and the hospital contacted his nan to see if he could go there as he had nowhere else to go.
She explained because of a court order she could not do that, but he later rang her and when he assured her he was sober, she agreed he could stay with her in Dovecot.
But at about 4.30am on December 21, she rang 999 “in some distress and fear” and the operator could hear O’Keefe in the background shouting aggressively.
The 49-year-old, of no fixed address, admitted breaching a restraining order and was jailed for five months.
Alin Cobzaru
Alin Cobzaru sexually abused a teenage girl after plying her with cocaine and vodka.
The 27-year-old crawled Southport's streets in an Audi late at night, offering children "drugs in return for sex".
The married dad-of-two targeted a 15-year-old girl, who he took to a party, where he molested her, one night in 2020.
Cobzaru, of Scarisbrick Street, Southport, denied any sexual contact with his victim.
He denied two counts of rape and two counts of assault by penetration, which forced his victim to give evidence.
The first trial collapsed because of coronavirus issues and the second trial resulted in a hung jury.
Ahead of a third trial, Cobzaru admitted four offences of sexual activity with a child, which the Crown accepted.
He was jailed for seven years and eight months.
John Powell
A dad caught with heroin and cocaine valued at up to £400,000 said he was "blackmailed" by gangsters when he tried to stop dealing.
John Powell claimed he started helping his bosses supply the drugs in Merseyside and to Devon to pay off a near £40,000 cocaine debt.
But prosecutors said the 49-year-old was also benefiting financially from the arrangement - as shown by his daughter texting him asking for £3,000 to pay for a holiday to Marbella and designer gear.
Police raided Powell's home in Station Road, Roby on October 13 last year, when they found around five and a half kilos of heroin, and around 800g of cocaine.
He admitted possessing heroin and cocaine with intent to supply on a basis of plea, which was accepted by prosecutors.
Powell was jailed for six and a half years.
Steven Etchells and Luke Swift
Steven Etchells and Luke Swift said they broke into St Helens' tallest building to see the Christmas lights across the town.
The crooks were found carrying state of the art Dyson fans down an NHS corridor in the old Pilkington site on Christmas Eve.
They were then hit with incapacitant spray after refusing to stop adding to their haul of stolen goods, despite the requests of a police officer.
Etchells and Swift broke into the old Pilkington site on Alexandra Park in the early hours of December 24 last year.
Both men admitted burglary, while Etchells also admitted driving offences after crashing into a bus stop in Thatto Heath on September 6, 2020.
Etchells, 50, of Ellison Drive, St Helens, had 41 previous convictions for 101 offences including 49 thefts. He was jailed for 94 weeks - nearly 22 months.
Swift, 29, also of Ellison Drive, had 12 previous convictions for 17 offences. He was jailed for 10 months.
Daniel Jones
Daniel Jones used his injured dog to lure a woman back to his house and sexually assault her.
The drugged up boxing coach and gym manager attacked the woman in Birkenhead last summer after seeing her in the street and asking her to help his pug, which he said had been hit by a car.
He then convinced her to come to his house to call a vet but as soon as she was there he pinned her to the couch, tore off her clothes and sexually assaulted her.
The 47-year-old later barricaded a female police officer who came to the woman’s rescue into his living room, threatened to kill her and ripped her body cam off and threw it out a window.
Jones, of Borough Road, Birkenhead, admitted sexual assault, assault by penetration, false imprisonment and threats to kill.
He was jailed for 16 years with a further eight years on extended licence.
Jamie Smith
Jamie Smith told a supposed teenage girl: "I want to be the man who teaches you everything you need to know about sex."
The 44-year-old, who even called himself a "nonce pedo" in his profile bio online, targeted underage girls on chat forums.
The online predator thought he was talking to a 14-year-old child when he discussed performing a sex act on her and meeting up.
Smith, of Halliday Close, Birchwood, Warrington, sent her a photo of his penis and joked that what he was doing was "grooming a minor LOL".
But he was actually talking to a decoy profile set up by paedophile hunters and it emerged they had snared him with another fake girl, aged 13.
Smith admitted attempting to meet a child following grooming and two counts of attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child.
He was jailed for two years and three months.
Rachel Ward

Rachel Ward stole more than £9,000 from her employer by faking refund payments to customers.
The mum-of-two "betrayed" the trust of her bosses at Irish Ferries by issuing bogus refunds to customers and transferring the money into her own bank accounts.
The 47-year-old, who was previously spared jail for stealing £23,000 from her last employers, tried to blame blackmailers for her latest bout of dishonesty.
Ward told a judge she had been named and shamed on a Wirral Facebook page about stealing £23,000, which led to men coming to her home and demanding cash, leaving her in fear of violence.
She claimed she initially gave them money from her state benefits, before taking cash from Irish Ferries to pay them off, but a judge rejected her account.
Ward, of Bray Street, Birkenhead, admitted fraud by abuse of position and was jailed for two years.
Adam Jarir

The boss of a County Lines drugs gang known as "Biggie" flooded streets with heroin and crack cocaine.
Adam Jarir, from Walton, was part of a gang which brought Class A drugs to Wigan, leading to estimated sales exceeding £800,000.
The 29-year-old took over people's homes in the borough to store, prepare and distribute Class A drugs, in a method known as cuckooing.
Jarir was one of the group's leaders alongside Jake Muldoon, 23, of Lowerson Crescent, Norris Green, who was also known as "Scouse Joe".
Muldoon was locked up for 15 and a half years in December, when he was sentenced for conspiring to supply Class A drugs and stabbing one of the gang in the head, after the victim 'lost' £5,000 of drugs.
Jarir, of Kingsland Crescent, admitted the drugs plots and was jailed for six and a half years.
Jem Traynor
Jem Traynor downloaded more than 1,000 child sex abuse images including one labelled "paedo archive".
He claimed he didn't have a sexual interest in children, despite police finding the vile collection on his computer.
Officers raided the 51-year-old's house in Ember Crescent, Everton in April last year and found a vast array of sick files, including 167 child rape images.
The former soldier, who said he wouldn't have downloaded the files deliberately, blamed his PTSD from serving in Bosnia and abusing drugs and alcohol.
But evidence showed he'd taken steps to cover his tracks and he later admitted three counts of downloading and one of possessing indecent images of children.
He was jailed for 12 months.
Gary Kelly
A pair of fraudsters pretended to be Netflix, Spotify and Apple to steal millions of people's details and sell them on for profit.
Gary Kelly and Craig Gorton used phishing emails to target subscribers of popular websites between 2017 and 2019.
They impersonated the companies and redirected people to enter details on a bogus website, harvesting names, addresses and telephone numbers.
It is estimated the crooks earned more than £140,000 in cryptocurrency by then auctioning off these details on website called Mirashop.
But this came to an end when their homes were raided by the Dark Web Operations Team of the North West Regional Organised Crime Unit.
Kelly, 32, of Caldy Road, Orrell Park, was jailed for three years and four months.
Gorton, 30, of Rochdale Old Road, Bury, was handed two years in prison, suspended for two years.
Christopher Longworth
Sacked employee Christopher Longworth told his former boss he would "chop his head off" and trash his premises after a row over holiday pay.
The 34-year-old had been employed by Speke Fencing and Gates and his vandalism rampage caused £15,000 of damage and put jobs at risk.
The dad-of-two had been fired on May 28 last year and after leaving the company, made a series of telephone calls to his former boss, Michael Lynch.
In one, Longworth, of Lincoln Street, Garston, said: "I want my holiday payments. If I don't get them I’ll come down and chop your head off and cut your throat."
On July 30, he broke into the business premises in Edwards Lane, Speke, threw paint over a van and smashed its windscreen, left taps running causing flooding, and caused further damage in the office.
Longworth admitted harassment and burglary.
He was jailed for 16 months.
Kieren McMahon
EncroChat drug dealer and money man Kieren McMahon counted and stored huge amounts of cash.
On one occasion McMahon, aka "LimeAce", was holding up to £280,000 as part of a huge drug gang.
Police recovered more than 100 pages of chat logs before arresting McMahon when he flew into Manchester Airport from Amsterdam.
McMahon, of Titchfield Street, Kirkdale, admitted conspiring to supply Class A drugs and cannabis, between September 2019 and August 2021.
He was "the money man" in relation to at least 20 kilos of the Class A drugs, mainly cocaine, and not less than 50 kilos of cannabis.
McMahon also admitted being involved in dealing with 15 kilos of the cannabis.
He was jailed for 12 years and seven months.
Lee Roberts

Banned biker Lee Roberts who goes by the name "Joker" tried to flee from police officers by mounting the pavement.
The 40-year-old was charged with dangerous driving, driving while disqualified and driving without insurance after officers tried to speak to him as he rode a Kawasaki motorbike on Underwood Lane in Crewe on Tuesday, February 8 this year, but he continued on his way.
The rider, of Thorn Road, Runcorn, who has been banned from the road since 2001, admitted the charges.
He was jailed for six months.
Gary Towns

"Controlling" Gary Towns moved into his ex-girlfriend's home after being banned from going near her for the eighth time.
The 65-year-old threatened to kill his ex-girlfriend if she went out after breaching his five-year restraining order against her.
He had been living at her home for five months despite the ban, which was imposed at the time he was last jailed, and while he was on licence.
Towns was jailed for 12 months in March 2021 for the seventh breach of his restraining order, but when released he had nowhere to go so went back to her again.
He was arrested at her home in Widnes on January 14 and later admitted breaching a restraining order.
Towns, of Millar Crescent, Widnes, was jailed for 16 months.
Liam Jones

Liam Jones who threatened to rape a female prison officer – and her mother and daughter – had his prison sentence extended.
The 23-year-old flew into a rage at HMP Grampian in Peterhead, Scotland, when he was asked to pack his belongings and move to a different cell.
He subjected the officer to a "sustained period" of "vile" comments and threats, then boiled a kettle and threatened to scald anyone who tried to enter his cell.
Jones, formerly of Brainerd Street, Stoneycroft, also said he would rape the female prison officer, her mother and her daughter, in the rant on February 9, 2021.
The thug said he would be released soon and would wait outside for her and blow up her car before trashing his cell and causing hundreds of pounds of damage.
Jones - currently serving a three-year jail term for drug dealing as part of a gang in Aberdeen - admitted threatening behaviour.
He received a further nine months in prison.
Vincent Connolly

A dad’s web of lies were exposed when CCTV footage found by his victim's grandad was played in court.
Vincent Connolly, 59, repeatedly punched a neighbour's boyfriend, then called police and claimed he was the one who had been attacked.
He maintained his lies at his victim's trial - only for damning CCTV to emerge, meaning he was later convicted of perverting the course of justice.
On October 14, 2019, Ellis Shead had rowed with his girlfriend at her home in Aurorean Close, Belle Vale, and when he thought he saw Connolly's partner watching, insulted her.
On October 16 he went out to some shops, but was attacked by Connolly when he returned, who inflicted a series of punches.
Shortly afterwards, Shead used a golf club to smash the rear window of Connolly's car.
Connolly called police and said Shead had done that while he was sitting in the car, and that he had got out and hit him in self-defence.
Shead was charged with criminal damage and assault. He admitted the former, but was acquitted of the latter at trial and spared prison.
Connolly, of Aurorean Close, Belle Vale, was jailed for 16 months.
Jason Whinnett
Jason Whinnett bit his ex-partner and beat her brother with a rubber mallet in a vicious attack.
He drank brandy and smoked cannabis before going to the home of his partner's brother and attacking them both.
The 51-year-old also smashed up a coffee table and a TV during his inexplicable attack, on January 17 this year.
Whinnett, of Westmorland Drive, Liverpool city centre, admitted assault and criminal damage.
He was jailed for 12 months.
Alan Kent
"Predatory" child abuser Alan Kent was found guilty of molesting two young girls after offering to pay them "for sexual favours".
The 73-year-old, of Humphreys Close, Murdishaw, Runcorn, was initially accused of a range of offences by one victim, before a second victim came forward.
Thirteen counts related to sexual assaults of a child under 13 and incitement against the same girl while she was between the ages of about six and 10.
A trial heard one charge of attempted sexual assault related to the second victim, who was aged between about 10 and 12 years.
Kent was jailed for seven years.
Cheshire Police is yet to issue his mugshot.
Liam Rogan, Ryan Kennedy, William Egan, John Wells and Anthony McVey
A violent thug exploited his autistic brother by having him keep a submachine gun in his family's home.
Liam Rogan and his "partner in crime" Ryan Kennedy were on remand in prison over the brutal kidnap of a 17-year-old boy.
But they had arranged for Liam's younger brother, Jake Rogan, to stash a Heckler & Koch MP5 at the house he shared with his girlfriend and baby daughter.
Police found the submachine gun with three magazines, one loaded, in a raid at the young family's home in Patmos Close, Everton, on February 15, 2020.
Just days after that gun was seized by police, Liam Rogan and Kennedy used a mobile phone hidden in their cell to order the transfer of an Italian revolver.
They contacted crooks including William Egan, John Wells and Anthony McVey, before police found the gun at a house in Beryl Walk, Fazakerley on February 25.
Liam Rogan, 32, of no fixed address, admitted possessing the Heckler and Koch and was found guilty of possessing the revolver and arranging its transfer.
Kennedy, 28, of Westmoreland Place, Everton, was found guilty of those three offences.
Rogan was jailed for 11 years and three months.
Kennedy was jailed for 13 years.
Egan, of Tenlands Drive, Prescot, admitted possessing the revolver and possessing cannabis with intent to supply. He was jailed for six years.
Wells, of no fixed address, was found guilty of possessing the revolver and arranging its transfer.
McVey, of Worcester Drive, Clubmoor, was found guilty of possessing the revolver.
Both of them also fell to be sentenced for a "terrifying" aggravated burglary in Stafford in 2020.
Wells was jailed for six years for the gun offences, consecutive to nine years with an extended four years on licence for the burglary.
McVey was jailed for five years for his gun offence, consecutive to eight years with an extended four years on licence for the burglary.
Dodou Saidy
Dodou Saidy repeatedly stabbed a fellow drinker after they had both watched an Anthony Joshua boxing match.
The 45-year-old stabbed Baker Kiweewa after a fight between the two escalated in Prescot Road on September 22, 2018.
Saidy went to a nearby house where he was staying, picked up a kitchen knife and came back and stabbed Mr Kiweewa in the base of his neck and shoulder.
He denied any wrongdoing, but was unanimously found guilty by a jury who heard evidence that his victim's blood was recovered from a ring he was wearing.
Saidy, of Bristol Road, Southsea, was jailed for seven years, with an extended four years on licence.
Merseyside Police said it did not have a mugshot of Saidy.
Dylan Hyams, Kevan Walsh and James Whitehead
A gang of burglars raided a family home and stole sentimental heirlooms in a £20,000 raid.
Dylan Hyams, Kevan Walsh and Jack Whitehead drove a stolen van on false plates to Skipton in Yorkshire last November.
They smashed their way into their victim's home, then ransacked the address, before making off with jewellery.
A white van was stolen from outside the house, along with work tools belonging to the victim.
All three men pleaded guilty to conspiracy to burgle.
Dylan Hyams, 29, of Leadenhall Close in Everton, was jailed for four years.
Kevan Walsh, 32, of Simonswood Road in Kirkby, was jailed for four years.
James Whitehead, 28, of Barncroft Road in Halewood, admitted his guilt at a later stage.
He was jailed for four and half years.
Laura Gibson
Laura Gibson targeted a vulnerable man in his own home and stole his money.
On more than one occasion, she stole cash and a bank card from a man at his house in Rodney Street, Birkenhead.
The 35-year-old, of Sidney Street, Birkenhead, was arrested and admitted carrying out three burglaries in October 2021.
Police said the victim was left "very distressed" by her despicable actions.
She was jailed for three years and two months.
Anthony Atherton

Starbucks staff were terrified after Anthony Atherton smashed his way through a drive-thru window with a hammer.
The thug, of Sapphire Road in Old Swan, turned up to the coffee shop on Edge Lane, smashed the window and climbed through it.
The 37-year-old then grabbed hold of two of the women workers and dragged them around by their clothing and hair.
He demanded access to the safe but the only person able to open it, the manager, escaped and ran for help.
Atherton, who fled empty-handed, at around 7am on October 17 last year, was later arrested and admitted attempted robbery.
He was jailed for four and a half years, with an extended three and a half years on licence.
Dean Hall

Idiotic thief Dean Hall posted pictures of himself posing on stolen motorbikes on Instagram.
The 26-year-old, of Albert Road, Widnes, was shown sitting on a Ducati, Triumph Speed and SYM scooter, all of which had been pilfered in Runcorn.
Cheshire Police said the bikes in the social media snaps, posted from July 2021 to January 2022, were worth more than £25,000.
Officers linked the account to Hall and arrested him at his home on Friday, January 28 this year.
He admitted theft of a motor vehicle and two counts of handling stolen goods.
Hall was jailed for 52 weeks.
Craig Treverrow and David Gamble
Craig Treverrow and David Gamble laughed as they left a man for dead after a knife attack outside his own front door.
The brothers fled after attacking John Smith in Dingle, leaving him bleeding heavily, on February 27, 2019.
Treverrow was confronted shortly after the incident by Robert Hughes, a relative of the victim's partner, and said: "I have just done your man."
When questioned, the drink and drug fuelled yob pulled out a knife, became angry and lunged at the man's partner, then fled and hid until police arrived.
Gamble, who had repeatedly struck Mr Smith with a plank of wood before his brother knifed him three times in the back, later handed himself in.
Treverrow, 31, of Dovecot Place, Dovecot, admitted wounding and threatening with a bladed article. He was jailed for three years.
Gamble, 25, also of Dovecot Place, pleaded guilty to wounding. He was jailed for two years.
Alan Airey

Paedophile Alan Airey formed a relationship with a mum of two young children without telling her about his twisted past.
He met the woman via Facebook after his release in April last year, following a four and a half year sentence for child sexual assault and grooming.
The 37-year-old used a false surname and began staying over with the woman, her children and a young teenage girl, who also shared the Merseyside house.
Prosecutors said the woman was "shocked and concerned" to learn of his past, but Airey claimed she was visiting him in prison to bring in his underwear and they were still "in a relationship".
Airey, of Halkyn Road, Chester, admitted breaching his Sexual Harm Prevention Order.
He was jailed for two years.
Kane Bennett's cocaine and heroin gang
A Liverpool-based drug gang inflicted misery across England with "no thought for the impact on others".
The most influential figures of the gang linked to a stash of deadly guns were handed jail sentences amid emotional scenes on February 18.
Police released their mugshots and those of other associated crooks after a four-day sentencing hearing at Liverpool Crown Court concluded on February 21.
Kane Bennett, Christopher Scully, Phillip Ryder and Jamie Mac Thompson were locked up for their roles in the nationwide cocaine and heroin network.
Bennett sat at the top of the operation, overseeing Class A drug supply networks in Morecambe, Plymouth and Torquay.

Cocaine and heroin, some of which was supplied to Bennett by Thompson, was sent north and south under Bennett's guidance as he ran drugs 'lines' nicknamed Scouse Tom, Scouse JJ and Scouse T.
Couriers from Morecambe - working on the Scouse Tom line - would be supplied in West Derby Cemetery, while others ran illicit substances to the Scouse JJ and Scouse T lines on the south coast.
The downfall of Bennett's conspiracies was secured when, in April 2020, a farm on the outskirts of Kirkby was raided by police under Operation Casino II.
They recovered a sawn-off shotgun and a "sniper rifle" linked to Bennett by DNA, ammunition, and a pistol magazine forensically attributed to Thompson.
Bennett, 26, of Galemead, Norris Green, admitted conspiring to supply cocaine and heroin and conspiring to possess firearms and ammunition. He was jailed for 14 years and four months.
Scully, 33, of Prestbury Road, Norris Green, admitted conspiring to supply cocaine and heroin. He was jailed for nine years and four months.
Thompson, 30, of Berry Street, Liverpool, admitted conspiring to supply cocaine and heroin and possession of ammunition without a certificate. He was jailed for nine and a half years.
Ryder, 40, of Quernmore Road, Kirkby, admitted conspiring to supply cocaine and heroin. He was jailed for eight years and seven months.
Ricky Dewsbury, 42, of Prestbury Road, Norris Green, admitted assisting an organised crime group and was jailed for two years and three months.
Nicholas Begg, 22, of Alvanley Road, Kirkby, admitted conspiring to supply cocaine and heroin and was jailed for six years.
Edward Begg, 21, of Alvanley Road, Kirkby, admitted conspiring to supply cocaine and heroin and was jailed for six years and five months.
Luke Belger, 20, of Minstead Avenue, Kirkby, admitted conspiring to supply cocaine and heroin and was jailed for four years and eight months.
Alexander Porter

Alexander Porter hit a shop worker in the face before stealing £6,000 in cash.
The crook left an innocent member of staff with an eye injury when he targeted the News Factor Shop in Bootle on January 10 this year.
The 42-year-old raided the shop on The Esplanade then fled on a bike, but was arrested later that month after being identified by police.
Porter, of Bedford Road, Bootle, admitted robbery.
He was jailed for three years.
Francis Casey
Francis Casey told the mum of his 10-month-old daughter: "I'm coming to your house to burn it down with the baby in it."
The 30-year-old threatened to "smack in" the heads of his ex-girlfriend and their baby in vile voicemails.
The alcoholic blamed stalking her and sending abusive messages on a three-month drink and drugs bender.
But a judge said he was trying to "minimise" what he had done to his victim, who was left "petrified", in December and January.
Casey, of no fixed address, admitted stalking involving fear of violence and breaching a sentence of 12 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months.
He was jailed for 22 months.
Dean Joughin
Dean Joughin was caught stoned at the wheel but escaped from police after he was arrested.
The thug once gave another man permanent brain damage by kicking and stamping on his head.
Joughin, then 25 and from Netherton, was jailed for six years over that vicious street attack in 2009.
Police stopped a Volkswagen Passat, on Southport Road in Bootle, at around 8.15pm on Friday, October 15 last year.
Joughin tested positive for cannabis but fled while being cautioned, only to hand himself in four days later.
The 37-year-old, of Warbreck Avenue, Walton, admitted escaping from lawful custody.
He was jailed for four months.
Anthony Jones
Anthony Jones was involved in a crime gang's grenade and ammunition plots.
Jonathan Walsh, 33, headed a drug network which trafficked amphetamine and cannabis from the North West to the East Midlands.
But the Manchester-based OCG was brought down when armed police stopped a courier from handing Walsh a package in January 2019.
The courier confessed there was a hand grenade in his pocket and a gun and ammunition in his sleeve, shown in police bodycam footage.
In a coordinated strike day on October 16, 2019, the Gillmoss home of Jones - an associate of EncroChat user Walsh - was also raided.
The 40-year-old, of Parkview Road, was found guilty after a trial in June 2021 of conspiring to possess ammunition and to possess an explosive device.
He was jailed for 15 years, but that sentence could not be reported until this week - when Walsh and others were jailed - due to reporting restrictions.
Daniel Hayes and Sam Oultran

Daniel Hayes threatened a group of children as he brandished a knife at a terrified shop worker.
The 31-year-old first raided a Spar in Thomas Jones Way, Runcorn on the night of July 10 last year.
He then hit a Spar in Palacefields, Runcorn, the day after and a One Stop Shop in Chester Road in Helsby on July 12.
Hayes, of Clifton Crescent, Frodsham, was dropped off each time by Sam Oultran, 24, of Churchill Mansions, Runcorn, in a getaway car.

He would then approach the till, pull out a large kitchen knife from a bag and threaten staff to open the tills before making off with cash.
Outside he would jump in the Volkswagen Passat driven by Oultran.
It was at the Spar in Palacefields where he told a female cashier "put it all in the bag" then warned "just do it or you or the kids will get it".
Hayes admitted three counts of robbery and three counts of possessing a bladed article. He was jailed for six years.
Oultran admitted three counts of robbery and was jailed for four years.
John Bishop
John Bishop hid his dark past from a new girlfriend by lying about what he had been to prison for.
The paedophile moved into her Wirral home and gave her one of two mobile phones he had bought.
The 47-year-old was present when she had family over for Christmas, including a nine-year-old child.
Bishop told his new partner he was under supervision after being jailed for assaulting a police officer.
The woman only found out the truth when police realised Bishop wasn't living at his registered address in Waterpark Road, Prenton.
He admitted four counts of breaching a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and failing to comply with the requirements of the Sex Offenders Register.
Bishop was jailed for two years and eight months.
Patrick Childs
Patrick Childs fled to Spain after trying to avoid the police by jumping into the Leeds-Liverpool canal.
The 24-year-old drug dealer finally appeared for sentence for offences dating back to 2018 and 2019.
They included doing "wheelies" on a pavement while riding an electric bike on Scotland Road at 30mph.
He "smirked and rode off at speed", and was later seen dealing drugs from the bike to known addicts.
Childs was caught after ditching the bike and diving into the canal, where he dumped plastic bags with traces of cocaine and heroin inside.
Having been released under investigation and on bail - despite £27,000 of cocaine being found at his home - Childs disappeared abroad, only to be extradited.
Childs, of Lyle Street, Kirkdale, admitted failing to provide a specimen, dangerous driving, possessing cocaine and heroin with intent to supply and breach of bail.
He was jailed for six and a half years.
Adrian Tomcik

Domestic abuser Adrian Tomcik threatened to kill his girlfriend.
The 29-year-old, from St Helens, admitted two counts of assault and two counts of making threats to kill.
The charges related to offences carried out by the bully at his home in Windle Hall Drive on January 20 and 21 this year.
He was jailed for four years.
Peter Ginley
A member of a large criminal network worked to flood the streets with Class A and B drugs.
Peter Ginley tried to escape detection by using an encrypted EncroChat phone and the handle "CrabCookie".
Cash and cocaine worth £120,000 was seized after he and another crook were both arrested in July 2020.
Ginley, 33, could be linked to the handle "CrabCookie" through personal details he shared in messages.
He was arrested at his home in Heath Road, Garston, where police found more than £13,200 in cash and the box for his Encro device.
Ginley was found guilty of conspiring to supply cocaine, heroin, cannabis and ketamine after a trial.
He was jailed for seven and a half years.
Richard Green
Richard Green raped a young child during horrifying and depraved sexual abuse.
The 35-year-old, from the Tuebrook area, was accused of a string of sexual offences.
But he denied any wrongdoing, forcing his victim to go through the ordeal of a trial.
Green was found guilty by a jury of 15 counts including rape of a child under 13, assault by penetration, sexual assault and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
He was jailed for 19 years.
James Freeman and Alan Roberts
Shocking CCTV footage showed James Freeman and Alan Roberts shooting each other with the same gun.
Freeman armed himself with a loaded pistol and hunted down Roberts outside the Old Bank Pub in Page Moss.
The two men wrestled over the weapon in a doorway, when it went off, with two bullet fragments striking Roberts in the groin.
But the "victim" grabbed the gun and with Freeman now "overpowered" and lying on the floor being kicked by two locals, opened fire in "retribution".
He fired twice into Freeman's chest at "point blank range", leaving his attacker with two bullets embedded in his chest at the Princess Drive pub.
Roberts, 30, was cleared of attempted murder, but a jury rejected his claim that he acted in self-defence against an "assassin", on Monday, May 17 last year.
He was convicted of wounding with intent and possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life - charges Freeman, 24, admitted before the trial began.
Freeman, of Pennard Avenue, Huyton, who was already a convicted gun crook, was jailed for 14 and a half years, with an extended four years on licence.
Roberts, from Page Moss but now of Heyes Street, Everton, was jailed for 12 years.
Leonard Wood
Leonard Wood raped a child nearly 40 times during abuse lasting more than a decade.
When the now adult woman went to police to report her ordeal, Wood claimed she instigated his "vile" attacks.
He denied any sexual activity between them when she was underage and claimed any sexual contact after that was consensual.
But a search of his home revealed camcorder cassettes hidden in the loft - including one that appeared to have been destroyed.
And when a detective managed to repair the old cassette, it showed Wood had filmed himself raping and molesting the child.
Wood, 67, of Bark Road, Litherland, claimed the activity was consensual and admitted only two offences - counts of making indecent photographs of a child - claiming the videos were of her when she was aged 16 or 17.
But evidence showed she was in fact under 16 at the time and he was found guilty of 11 counts of rape and three counts of indecent assault.
Wood was jailed for 24 years with an extended one year on licence.
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