Residents of a block of council flats in Bristol are demanding urgent action after their kitchens were left covered in a disgusting stinky black substance, following what they suspect was a drain cleaning malfunction. People living in Barlands House in Henbury said they heard a 'great big bang' at around 9am this morning (Friday, April 1), and found what they described as 'an explosion of muck' had shot out of their kitchen sinks and covered the room.
One resident said council contractors were working on clearing the drains of the 14-storey tower block at the time, and after he reported what had happened to them, two of the contractors came to see and took photos - but six hours later, nothing had happened. This afternoon residents reported being left unable to go into their kitchens, which they describe as 'a health hazard', and the stench is filling the block of flats.
One resident, Martin Hewer, told Bristol Live he's also turned his electricity off as a precaution because water is 'pouring through the ceiling' of his tenth floor flat. "I'm absolutely fuming, I'm furious - it's a scandal," he said. "I went for a walk this morning and just as I got back at around 9am, there was a great big bang from the kitchen and I walked in to find it like this.
Read more: Heavy brake discs 'thrown from 15th floor' of Bristol tower block
"I talked to my neighbour who was out, and told him to come back, and his kitchen was the same. I don't know how many flats are affected like this, but I'm on the tenth floor so it could be a lot of them. The council had contractors in doing something with the drains, and God knows what's gone wrong.

"I went and found them and told them, and two of them came up, had a look, took some pictures and then went off again. I haven't seen them since," he added. He also said he's waiting to hear back from the council.
Mr Hewer, who is retired, said he is worried for his health. "I couldn't believe what I saw when I walked into the kitchen. There was all this dirt everywhere, it's like a sticky black tar-like substance and it stinks.

"Obviously the kitchen is unuseable and I'm worried about what this substance is and if it's safe to clear up - it needs professional cleaners because now my kitchen is contaminated with this black stuff. It needs proper disinfecting - this is a health and safety issue," he added.
Bristol City Council has been contacted for comment. Bristol Live met another resident this afternoon who said her flat had not been affected, although she said her sink hole was blocked with a plug.
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