Located on the Big Island of Hawaii, Mauna Kea is home to some of the world's most advanced telescopes due to its high altitude and clear skies.
2. Griffith Observatory, California
Perched on the southern slope of Mount Hollywood in Los Angeles, Griffith Observatory offers stunning views of the city skyline and the stars above.
3. McDonald Observatory, Texas
Nestled in the Davis Mountains of West Texas, McDonald Observatory is known for its research in astronomy and public star parties.
4. Kitt Peak National Observatory, Arizona
With over 20 telescopes, Kitt Peak National Observatory is a hub for astronomical research and education in the Sonoran Desert.
5. Chabot Space & Science Center, California
Located in Oakland, California, Chabot Space & Science Center offers interactive exhibits and planetarium shows for visitors of all ages.
6. Lowell Observatory, Arizona
Founded in 1894, Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, is famous for the discovery of Pluto and continues to be a leading research institution.
7. Green Bank Observatory, West Virginia
Home to the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope, Green Bank Observatory is a premier facility for radio astronomy research.
8. Lick Observatory, California
Perched atop Mount Hamilton near San Jose, Lick Observatory has been a center for astronomical research and public outreach since the late 19th century.
9. Palomar Observatory, California
Operated by the California Institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory houses the famous 200-inch Hale Telescope and is a landmark in the history of astronomy.
10. National Radio Astronomy Observatory, New Mexico
Located in Socorro, New Mexico, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory conducts cutting-edge research in radio astronomy and operates the Very Large Array.