Melodic prog trio Exploring Birdsong have shared their brand new single, Turntail and you can watch the impressively windswepte and emotive video below.
The new single is the latest in a run of releases from the band, which have included their cover of Deftones Diamond Eyes as well as acclaimed second EP Dancing In The Face Of Danger in March 2023, as they continue to work on their first full-length album.
"In a similar way to the latest single The Collpase the bones of Turntail were originally formed a while back, whilst we were still at university," comment the band. "The first version of the song was actually written long enough ago that we were considering to be a part of our debut EP The Thing With Feathers. Where Turntail differs from The Collapse, however, is we always knew there was a great song in there somewhere.
"The chorus we feel is one of the strongest we’ve ever written, and we didn’t want to force releasing a song we think may benefit from a revisit later down the line. Fortunately, we feel the wait has paid off, and the version of Turntail you hear today is something we’re really proud of. It represents both the older parts of us, along with the fresher, future version of Birdsong, and releasing it now feels right."
The band, who recently supported Katatonia on some Irish dates, will play Manchester's Deaf Institute on June 22. Support comes from Toria Wooff and Cleaver Blue.